if Star Trek Nemesis spoilers aren't really your
thing, you should probably give this article a
you get back from seeing a film at a cinema, the
first question anyone is going to ask you is, or
some variation of, 'was it good?'. This is one of
those unavoidable laws of nature, I suppose, as
is the fact that you can only respond in one of
two ways:
"Yes", or
2. "It was alright".
the new Star Trek film, Nemesis (not to be
confused with Zork Nemesis, Resident Evil:
Nemesis or Nemesis, that old C64 game with the
funny bug-eyed thing and the towers), undoubtedly
fits into the latter category. Although I may be
being a little generous here, and it has just
occurred to me that that C64 game was called
Nebulus, not Nemesis, so disregard that.
a well-known 'thing' among nerds and film critics
that even-numbered Star Trek films are good,
while odd-numbered ones smell like ass. Film
critics particularly love this rule, as it gives
them something to awkwardly segue into their
reviews with. Nemesis is the tenth Trek film, and
disproves this rule wholeheartedly.
was not a very good Star Trek film. I got the
feeling from start to finish that people were
trying to tell the director what Star Trek was
supposed to be like, and he spent the whole time
with his fingers in his ears going 'la la la'.
Let me point out an example.
to Riker, when Riker is about to leave to captain
his own ship: "Don't let your first officer
stop you going on away missions".
In the series, Picard NEVER went on away
missions. Captains aren't supposed to. If they
die, the whole ship is fucked. It's an
unnecessary risk and, if Starfleet get wind of
you, you get your pink slip, it's as simple as
that. By the way, I know full well how much of a
pedantic sci-fi nerd I'm being, so close your
e-mail program and shut the fuck up while I'm
talking, I don't give a toss.
many things made me want to give the writing team
a big ol' slap. Like when Picard acts like a
wise-cracking action hero. Admittedly, this
started with the last film. Whatever happened to
the Picard we knew and loved, who enjoyed reading
dull books and shouting at people? I'll tell you
what happened. Hollywood happened.
thing I feel I should point out, and yes, I know
this is unavoidable, is that the crew are all
starting to look very geriatric. Troi in
particular looks like someone's gran who dyes her
hair and gets plastic surgery, unable to accept
the ageing process. Riker is looking decidedly
paunchy, but he's had that for years. LaForge no
longer has a discernible chin, and is now
apparently taking lessons from the Riker school
of facial hair. The one I feel most sorry for is
Brent Spiner, who is still desperately trying to
portray an immortal, unchanging android when his
second chin is flapping around. Picard is the
only one who hasn't aged that much, but only
because he looked about 50 years old on the day
he was born.
ah yes, the bad guy. Or, the 'nemesis' as the
case may be. Shinzon, who used to be a slave on
Remus but is now the leader of the Romulans. We
aren't told exactly how he pulled that off, but
it's probably a very fine story which the writer
of the film will no doubt be happy to explain to
you if you catch him at the right time. Since he
didn't seem to want to in the film. Shinzon is a
youthful clone of Picard with bad dentistry and
who is going to die soon if he doesn't acquire
some spare parts from Picard's twitching corpse.
So our big bad nemesis guy is a young upstart
with a terminal illness. Not quite on the same
level as the Borg, is it? He's barely on the same
level as an asthmatic schoolgirl. Throughout the
entire film, you have the unshakeable knowledge
that Shinzon is inevitably going to lose against
Picard. There is no other conceivable outcome,
and interest wanes fast.
and Data dies. Sorry, did I just give away too
much? I did give you ample spoiler warning. Data
gets blown to bits and everyone gets really
emotional about it. I would probably have felt
the same way, if they hadn't encountered an
identical copy of Data and implanted all of his
memories into him. How conVENient. B4 is the name
of this prototype droid, inexplicably named after
a kind of envelope, and none of the crew at any
point even entertain the possibility that it
could be Data's other identical brother, Lore.
Again, it's director-with-fingers-in-ears
many things just seem to have been tacked on for
imagined greater appeal. Sequences where Picard
runs through the corridors of Shinzon's ship
blowing people away with a huge two-handed rifle
weapon, for instance. These guns are much less
convenient than the hand-held phasers and do the
same amount of damage; the only reason I can
think of for even having them is because they
look cool. Towards the end there's a bit of
fisticuffs between Riker and some evil viceroy
bloke that doesn't go anywhere and just ends
damply when the viceroy drops down a deep shaft,
Emperor Palpatine-style. Even Data's demise seems
to have been included for shock value alone.
personally, I'm going to forget Nemesis ever
happened. It would be a shame if this, as
promised, turned out to be the last Star Trek
film, as it's not so much a swansong as it is a
funeral dirge. Be thankful then that it probably
won't be the last Trek film. Jason's had two
'Final Chapters' so far and neither of those
turned out to be accurate.
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