The number one search
string to get to this site is, and has been for a
while, 'hentai'. In fact, just the single use of
the word 'hentai' in the URL of one of my
articles ensures that it's the
most visited page on the site besides the index.
I found this rather frustrating for a while, 'cos
I knew these people would just pop in and then
piss off when they realise that this site is only
slightly more titillating than my dead
grandmother pole-dancing. Recently, however, I
decided to just give up and go with the flow. So
here's a hentai review of a hentai film that has
hentai in it. I found it on Stile project. Warning! That's
probably the least work safe link on the
internet! Except maybe this one.
My print screen
button, usually such a faithful associate, failed
me today, and just refused to take pictures from
the WMV file. So I had to download some stupid
image grabbing software, which placed a little
bit of text in the corner of every still I took,
the cunts. I hope you search engine tossers
appreciate all this.
So, I suppose
you'll be wanting a title for this little
cartoon. Well, to be honest, I had to play
through the film twice to make sure it WAS the
title. See, there's the opening title screen for
the film distributor (the GREATEST COMPANY NAME
then there's a black screen with the word
'stairs' on it. So I guess that was the title.
stairs. Well, I suppose the characters might...
go up and down stairs at some point. It's not
that strange a title. Add an exclamation mark and
it'd be a good name for a broadway musical. About
anyway, we open on a generic scene in
modern Japan. Our hero, Makoto, the kind
of spikey-haired completely generic hero
we're supposed to be rooting for, I
suppose, is on his way to pick up his
girlfriend and give her a ride to school.
Her name's Une - named after the feminine
impersonal pronoun of the French language
- and she appears to have herpes. Well,
actually I'm pretty sure it's supposed to
be a beauty spot, but it's right by her
mouth, man. Oh well. It'll probably come
off on someone's cock before this day is
out. |

This is the closest this pair ever get to
sex. |
Anyway, when I said 'girlfriend'
earlier, I meant "you go girlfriend"
kind of girlfriend, rather than the "this is
my girlfriend who regularly mistakes my cock for
an asthma inhaler" sort. This pair are
platonic friends, known each other since they
were little, and have somehow successfully
ignored their burgeoning mutual lust despite
having their crotches forcibly connected during
their daily bike ride. I don't know what it was
that stopped old Makoto from enquiring after the
contents of her goody basket, but he's kicking
himself that he didn't get around to it when she
suddenly turns out to have a 'proper' boyfriend.
gets the first hint from his friend, who tips him
off slyly to the fact that some chaps have been
asking about the status between Makoto and Uno,
and the final piece of crucial evidence comes
when he confronts her on the train and discovers
the tell-tale use of the Photoshop
airbrush filter on her lovely throat.

Une hugging from behind the Amazingly
Hairy Amputee. |
Yes, Unicorn has a bum
chum. She hops up and down on his little
lord and master with grace and frequency,
and she loves every second of it. About
fifteen minutes into this piece of Mills
and Boon-style drama we get our first
piece of action - our heroine and her
fuckbuddy, a tall, bespectacled chap who
reminds me of Otacon from Metal Gear
Solid, having a squelching party in his
bedroom. Suddenly, Otacon announces that
hordes of baby Otacons are about to spew
from his coconut tree, and Unilateral
cries that she doesn't want him to come
inside her. Well, she could have
mentioned that before impaling herself on
his solid snake, but I guess she was too
busy worrying about where she can find
some Biactol for that growth on her face.
Surprise surprise, he fills her full of
man custard and the stage is set for a
very predictable plot development later
on. |
Y'know, when playing hentai games,
I always wondered why the developers would always
force me to read line after line of onomatopoeic
dialogue throughout the racy moments such as
"squelch" and "splip" and the
ever-evocative "splosh".* I always
wondered why they did that. And now I know that
hentai films do pretty much the same thing. As
little Otacon thunders away into Unicycle's damp
envelope, little squelchy sound effects are
clearly audible. This wasn't an accident. This is
animation; everything is intended. Somewhere in
Japan there's an LP bearing the label
they were made by some guy sticking his fist in a
Pringles tube full of wallpaper paste.
* FUN FACT: 20%
of all hentai game dialogue is made up of this
sort of onomatopoeia. 30% is made up of
variations on "OOOHHHH" and
"AAAAAHHH", and 40% consists of
Getting back to
the story. Makoto goes into something of a
decline with the news that his cycle-mate is
being split like a banana regularly by the
overdramatic nerd from the Metal Gear Solid cut
scenes, completely unable to explain why he's so
depressed about it when he never took the
opportunity to spread her like country marmalade
and stuff her full of the toothpaste of love (I'm
going to keep making up new terms for sex until I
run out, bitches). Maybe he was saving it for her
sweet sixteenth. The Japanese seem to have this
thing about taking a girl's virginity - I played
a hentai game once where the protagonist bemoans
at length the fact that a computer joystick got
there before he could - so maybe that's why he's
so bothered about it. And when he gets bothered
by something, like all anime characters of his
sort, he suddenly finds himself possessed by the
inexplicable desire to bang his head against his
desk, as this picture demonstrates (WARNING:
Things go from
bad to worse when Makoto demands to meet Une and
express his displeasure at not being told about
her new status as penis holder extraordinaire,
and Une gets all pissy, saying she expected
support from her best friend. Ooooh. BURN.
Completely the wrong thing to say, you stupid
cow. The subtext is clear: "Well, I'd have
let you pot the pink if you'd asked, but since
you didn't, I kind of assumed you were gay."
Makoto runs off to find a desk he can bang his
head against.
another character in this little drama I
haven't yet introduced. Nonoka, a pretty
little probably jailbait girl in Makoto's
class who has the hots for him something
rotten, wears cherry-flavour jawbreakers
in her hair and who speaks like a
squirrel who's been kicked in the
nutsack. She gets concerned at the way
Makoto's face is starting to leave an
imprint in his desktop, so she sidles
over and invites him to come shopping
with her. Yeah, I think that's the last
invitation he needed right then, bitch.
Incensed with rage at being continually
mistaken for a poof, Makoto kicks his
table over and rants like Asuka Langley
Soryu during that time of the month (one
for the anime nuts, there).

Makoto knows all the lines. |
Soon enough, Makoto
regrets his little outburst and tells the
little squeak monster that he'd love to
go shopping with her, because this is a
hentai film, dammit, and he's got to have
someone to stick it into by the end, and
the two of them go on a pleasant montage
of shopping, ending with the least
enthusiastic romantic dinner scene I've
ever encountered (see left), while
Uniform gets all broody and clutches at
herself while throwing up in things. Then
she gets completely ratarsed and starts spouting
gibberish at her speccy
boyfriend until he starts to wonder if he
wasn't better off with Sniper Wolf. |
meanwhile, makes the revelation of the decade by
telling Makoto she loves him, and in the awkward
silence that follows, it suddenly starts to
bucket down with rain (the water gods have a very
good sense of timing). It's that special anime
rain that doesn't get anything wet but causes
them to glow with a sparkly white aura. There's
this whole sort of symbolism thing going on in
this film, which is why we have to watch Nonoka
and Makoto's discarded schoolbags in the rain
while they make eyes at each other like a pair of
chameleons. And at just the right moment, Otacon
and United Nations turn up.
animators don't seem to like animating things
much, which is why the expected fist-fight
instead becomes the two couples staring at each
other, immobile, for about half an hour, before
Makoto finally can't take it anymore and legs it
away, turning into the Six Million Dollar Man in the process. Nonoka
continues staring at the other two for an
additional half hour before running off after
Makoto. Then Unicron explains to Otacon that
she's pregnant with his child, and he's
surprisingly upbeat about the whole affair, so
much so that his hair turns green for some reason
and they proceed to have masses of sex.
And good thing
too. We're twenty-five minutes into a
thirty-minute sex film and the only sex we've
been treated to was a five-second fully-clothed
fumble in Otacon's love shack, so by way of a
reward for the audience for having sat through
all that relationship crap, we're treated to a
complete fucking orgy (well, there's no other
sort of orgy, is there?) as we get to see Nonoka
and Makoto having it away intercut with a
sequence of Otacon and Unitarianism also having
it away. Nothing much to say about this bit,
except that during the thrusts Nonoka sounds like
a squirrel being dribbled like a basketball
against solid concrete. I'll just let the images
speak for themselves. The censoring was my doing.
Feel free to sing along.




You'll also note
that sexually excited anime characters also
generate Photoshop airbrush filters across their
faces during ze sexual act, as if some merry
prankster just ran past them spraying pink spray
paint. Well, that's pretty much it for this
story, except to note that all four characters
climax simultaneously, which has got to be up
there with getting five numbers and the bonus
ball in terms of odds, and the film ends with
Makoto riding past a river on a bike. That's
about it.
So, what have we
learned from this film? Well, we've learned that
if you don't want to have Otacon's lovechild,
tell him not to come inside you beforehand, and
not when his sticky white baby-to-be is already
half-way to the sultan's chamber. We've learned
that the words "I like you" are a
little-known Native American rain-summoning
But what of the
moral, Yahtzee? What of the moral? Beats the fuck
out of me, I guess it's something like
"Don't become someone's lifelong friend as
part of your evil scheme to break her seal of
freshness, 'cos you'll only end up as some sort
of big brother figure and have to shag someone
you've only just met as a compromise." Mind
you, if some other of Japan's adult entertainment
is any indicator, being a girl's blood relative
needn't necessarily disqualify you.
week: Yahtzee continues his quest to
bring in more traffic by posting Star Trek slash
fiction and pointing out the spelling mistakes!
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