been a while since I wrote an erotic
thriller review, but that's exactly what
I'm doing now, because with writing a
third I get to legally say I wrote a
'series' of erotic thriller reviews,
rather than just a 'couplet'. And I hope
you appreciate this, because I can't get
Channel 5 in Australia. I had to actually
consciously go down the video store and
get this film out. I had to get out a
load of intellectual titles along with
it, so the store clerk wouldn't think me
a total freak. "Oh," I seemed
to say. "Oh, it appears a bit of
pornographic shite has fallen into the
collection of quality cinema by mistake.
No, I shall have it anyway, to punish
myself for my absent-mindedness." So, then. 'I Like
To Play Games Too'. That title should
tell you pretty much everything you need
to know, but my favourite bit is the
blurb on the back of the video box. It
goes on about the usual lust-fuelled
intrigue for a few paragraphs, then end
by promising that events could spiral
into "extortion, blackmail and
tantalise us, video box. I don't think
anyone who watches this film is going to
be thinking, "God, all these
elongated shots of heaving breasts and
gyrating crotches are so boring. When is
someone going to get murdered?"
The main player in today's little
drama is a blonde woman with huge tits who likes
to shag all the time, not to be confused with the
blonde woman with huge tits who likes to shag all
the time in every other erotic thriller ever made
ever. This one identifies herself with a gimmick:
she CANNOT keep her TONGUE in her MOUTH for FIVE
SECONDS. Whenever she's curious about something,
or whenever she's feeling saucy, and of course
almost constantly throughout ze sexual act, out
it pops. You could play a drinking game based on
taking a swig each time her tongue comes out, but
after five minutes you'll instantly drop dead of
liver cirrhosis. I can only assume she was a
snake in a previous incarnation, and likes to
stick it out every few seconds to check if
there's a nice juicy mouse nearby.
we open with this lady playing pinball (BECAUSE
SHE LIKES TO PLAY GAMES) while some greasy bloke
plays with her tits. After she's finished, the
TOO), while she sits on the pinball machine and
masturbates. I wish I could give you more of an
insight into this scene, but unfortunately I had
the sound down low so no-one would know I was
watching this drivel, and couldn't make out the
dialogue. Anyway, the distraction causes the man
to lose, whereupon he gets pissy and the snake
lady throws him out on his ear. Oh, I think I get
it now. They were competing presumably for sex,
and the tit-rubbing and masturbation thing were
attempts at a Baseketball-style psych-out.
Anyway, just as the audience begin to think
there'll be no action any time soon, she goes and
has a wank in the shower.
thrillers on video must have different standards
to erotic thrillers on TV, because, blimey, the
camera holds on a close-up of her mimsy for
almost the entire scene. And do you know
something? This film wasn't anywhere near the
'adult' section in the video shop. It was in
'thrillers', about four yards away. In many ways,
I feel sorry for it. I know the other thrillers
bully it when the lights go down. "Hey, I
Like To Play Games Too!" jeers the Blair
Witch Project. "I made millions of
cinemagoers vomit! What have you done? You made
six losers wank!"
But I
digress. It transpires that our leading
lady is the head of some elite and much
sought after advertising agency. An elite
and much sought after advertising agency
based in a nice suburban house, whose
entire staff consists of the pinball slut
and some other hot blonde chick with huge
tits, neither of whom ever seem to do any
work, preferring instead to play snooker
all day with their tongues hanging out.
Some skinny bloke turns up and offers
them a contract with this guy who owns a
load of 'gentlemen's clubs', and from the
clumsy dialogue one divulges that the
skinny bloke and Tongue Slut have got it
together in the past. Make no mistake,
this woman is a WHORE. She's not even a
whore. Whores at least charge money. That
you can respect. That's the
entrepeneurial spirit. This woman is just
an ornamental carrying case for penises. |

You see, she likes to play games. |
Anyway, it's suggested that the
ornamental penis case goes to a little do the
potential client is throwing, and instantly we
cut to a montage of various nude ladies dancing
around. Great idea, I thought. Let's just give up
on that stupid plot and give us what we're really
here for. Alas, no. These girls are employed at
the party to stand on soap boxes and dance around
a bit. It's actually kind of funny if you catch a
glimpse of this out of context, and see the
Tongue Slut trying to talk business with some
greasy bloke in his living room while there's a
naked stripper jiggling around behind them.
Slut is directed down a hallway to find her new
client. She finds him bouncing up and down on top
of his secretary. I forget his name, but it began
with D, so I'm going to call him Desperate Dan.
Desperate Dan is fucking BUILT. I'm serious. A
brick shithouse would have to be visible from
space before it could be compared to him. The
slut watches from the door licking her
overglossed lips as he has it away, then shuts
the door and knocks on it gleefully.
later, Desperate Dan appears, unashamedly doing
up his flies, and the two of them start to talk
shop. Dan owns gentlemen's clubs where men turn
up and pay money to fuck girls. But as he hastens
to add, it's NOT PROSTITUTION. Okay, I don't know
what parallel universe you think you live in, Dan
mate, but here on Planet Sensible, if a girl ends
up bouncing on someone's handlebar of love as a
direct consequence of money changing hands, we
call that prostitution. I guess you probably call
it 'Breakfast'.
wants Tongue Slut to come up with an ad campaign
for his clubs, because despite his clubs being
internationally renowned and popular, it's only
just occurred to him to market them. So, he
invites TS to dinner at his place, to which TS
readily agrees, because, oh, you know why.
enough, in Desperate Dan's huge mansion, after
the mints and coffee and more retarded flirting
dialogue, Dan calls in a pretty young thing in a
bikini with whom TS immediately starts having
lesbian sex. I understand this is common
after-dinner etiquette in certain circles. Then
Dan demands TS go back to her home, put on
something sexy, and wait for him. So she does.
at her place, TS suddenly mentions that she
doesn't go all the way on a first date. If you
felt a sharp pain in your brow as you read that,
it was probably because you were banging your
head against a wall. You're letting off some
seriously mixed signals here, lady. I think if
you've already had lesbian sex in front of him,
and are now wearing nothing but a corset and a
G-string, then I think we're all far beyond being
coy. Anyway, Desperate Dan is quite agreeable,
and so (since he likes to play games) he puts a
blindfold on her and makes her do a strip and
dance for his amusement while he shouts out
instructions. And if you'll excuse the use of a
joke that a very small proportion of readers will
understand, it's just like an extremely
unorthodox episode of Knightmare.
about now that I notice something interesting:
Tongue Slut makes the most adorable noises when
she's in the throes of passion. She sounds like
some kind of small furry animal expressing a
combination of disappointment and indignation.
You know when you were at primary school, and you
were being shown a film because it was the last
day of term or something? And you know if the
teacher got pissed off for whatever reason they'd
stop the film, and the entire class would make
this noise that sounded kind of like
"ohhhhwwwww"? It's that noise.
gets herself all worked up, and, deciding to
abandon this hitherto unknown first date rule of
hers, throws off her blindfold in preparation to
get drilled silly. But lo! He likes to play
games! She's been shaking her thang for the
benefit of a tape recorder. Desperate Dan is
missing, presumed masturbating vigorously.
next morning, TS and her carbon-copy friend have
a business meeting with Dan and two of his greasy
friends to pitch some of their ideas. She tries
to psych him out by sticking her foot in his
crotch, but oh! He likes to play games! Counter
psych-out! He turns on a TV screen behind his
head and it starts showing a film of TS having it
away with the lesbian. TS gets all stammery and
fluffs the interview. "A hidden
camera," she says to him afterwards.
"Clever." Yes, it must have been very
clever, because judging by the angle of the
video, the camera must have been two feet away
from her at the time and hovering in mid air.
as you do when you've just been royally bested in
the psych-out stakes, they go home to shag. And
because she likes to play games, TS puts on some
stupid innocent schoolgirl act, and you know what
that means! More opportunity to stick her fucking
tongue out! They start having it away in a bath,
and Desperate Dan starts sponging her mimsy, and
by that I mean he holds a sponge about two inches
away from her and makes vague circular motions.
TS hatches a cunning plan! She orders Desperate
Dan to go out and get a condom from his car, and
as he does so, wearing only a towel, she plans to
lock him out! Tee hee hee! She likes to play
games! And this plan would have worked out
perfectly had she actually waited for him to go
outside before locking the door. Surprise! You're
a dumbass. Desperate Dan chides her. Then they
is about the point I stopped taking an interest
in the plot of this film, because, dammit, I'm a
busy man. So I just had the video on in the
background while I completed the important task
of surfing the internet. But I did take a look
whenever something vaguely interesting seemed to
be happening. So, forgive me if the rest of the
review is a bit patchy.
becoming aware that she's losing this unspecific
game she seems to be playing with Dan, decides to
seize the initiative. She dresses herself up as a
Playboy bunny, lures Dan to a motel room,
declares him her slave, blindfolds him and
handcuffs him to the bed. Then she runs away. Ha
ha! She likes to play games! And she would
probably have won at least ten points for this
round if she hadn't returned to the motel room
after giving him enough time to get himself free.
The tables turn somewhat, and to cut a long story
short, he boffs her stupid. Not that she needed
any help in that regard, of course.
This is
where things get really hazy. Next thing
I knew, TS returned to her house to find
two women in black catsuits pointing guns
at her. I didn't catch any of the ensuing
dialogue, but it must have been pretty
fucking convincing, because I looked away
for one second and after I looked back,
the three of them were having lesbian sex
on the snooker table. Oh, if only more
people had Tongue Slut's method of
solving disputes. If someone had thought
to introduce lesbian sex earlier on, the
Iraq situation could have been averted
altogether. |
There's a big block of boring
plot, then I start taking an interest again just
as TS decides to craftily investigate Desperate
Dan's hard drive, while Desperate Dan himself is
busy hard driving TS's partner for reasons I
didn't quite catch. She was reluctant at first,
but soon saw his side of things when he stuffed
his face in her crotch. That's another recurring
theme in this film: cunnilingus. Either these
actors didn't get enough food from the catering
vans, or some smart guy realised that cunnilingus
is the best way for the audience to see 90% of
the woman's naked body without the film earning
an X certificate.
she finds that Dan's files are password
protected, so she decides to try and guess. She
tries 'SEX', 'MONEY' and 'POWER'. Boy, just
imagine how lost these characters would be in an
intelligent world, huh? Finally, she types 'PLAY
GAMES', so presumably she'd lost interest in the
files and wanted to have a quick game of
Minesweeper, but it turns out that was the
the files, she discovers that Desperate Dan is
spearheading some evil scheme to secretly film
important politicians in his clubs having it away
with the girls, then presumably sell the tapes to
You've Been Framed. TS cleverly puts a copy of
the files on a disk she has handy, but oh no! He
likes to play games! He was secretly filming her
the whole time, and turns up at her house with a
gun! Boy, he really does have a thing for using
hidden cameras. And every time he does, TS is
absolutely astonished at his cleverness. I guess
they don't have hidden cameras on the planet
Retardedwhore 12.
we've had the extortion and blackmail promised by
the blurb, but where's that murder? Oh there it
is. Desperate Dan's assistant turns out to be an
undercover cop and shoots him dead. Then Tongue
Slut vows never to make the same mistake again,
before going home to shag the skinny bloke.
well that ends well. Ratings time!
Law Rating: 5/10
Just when I think my 'the police always
feature in erotic thrillers in some way shape or
form' rule doesn't apply, one of the characters
turns out to be an undercover cop. It just goes
to show: I'M NEVER WRONG.
Clothes Rating: 3/10
This film likes to linger on the
fucking, so generally they'll let you see the
characters undressing bit by gradual bit as the
music plays and they pant like dogs on a summer's
day. I think a pair of trousers disappears
inexplicably at one point, though.
Lesbians Rating: 7/10
Two evil lesbians turn up to have sex
with the main character for absolutely no
apparent reason. That's exactly the kind of thing
we like to see. I knocked off three points 'cos
the Tongue Slut never gets it on with her
identical assistant, and I really, really thought
she would.
the Breast Rating: 1/10
Surprisingly little, but then I suppose
the actors were all too busy trying to dislodge
pubic hairs from their teeth.
Not Porn, Honest' Rating: 2/10
Some erotic thrillers stop at buttocks.
Some stop at the pubic hair. This film stops
half-way up the birth canal. There's a fine line
between erotic thrillers and porn, and this film
crosses that line without a backward glance.
Erotic Thriller Rating: 4/10
In most erotic thrillers, the female
leads always seems to be high-flying genius
businesswomen. I just think that's funny, when
you consider that these actresses were bought in
a job lot from the Hollywood Acting School for
Dipshit Whores for a bag of crack rocks.
rating: 12%
summary: "Lick"
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