things you just can't ignore. Traditionally I
know I'm supposed to slag off horror movie
sequels, list people I would rather be, write
bizarre fiction, give opinions on crappy C64
games. It isn't really my place to analyse games
like 'Moonwalker' for the Sega Genesis. But after
playing it on an emulator, I just felt I'd be
doing the world a disservice if I didn't kick
this game in the teeth.
here it is, a simulation of Michael Jackson's
life, in which he must fight his way past hordes
of social workers to get to innocent little girls
and thrust his crotch in their faces. Ha, ha, ha,
I'm just messing with you.
am I?

yeah, I know, Michael Jackson and paedophilia
jokes are passe. Well, if passe offends you you'd
better click the 'back' button, 'cos I have
enough paedophilia jokes here for a convention on
the subject.
first thing we learn about MJ is that, by the
amazing power of an animation which either has
fifteen various frames missing or was drawn up by
Bubbles, he can turn into a car. Obviously this
is to make transporting the innocent little
children he captures slightly easier. Two in the
front, two in the back, and one in the boot tied
up and gagged. However, when it comes to battling
the bad guys, MJ prefers to revert to his human
form, perhaps because he's a good sport. But if
that is so, what's with the glitter?
MJ does one of his phenomenally gay kicks or
punches, little sparkly bits of glitter fly off,
and if they come into contact with enemies, said
enemies go flying off the screen like they were
punched by Spider-man or something. Perhaps
they're so startled by the sequins dropping off
MJ's jacket they feel they should depart
immediately and phone the tabloids to let them
know what shabby conditions he keeps his clothing
in. Most enemies will run up to you and try to
punch you as soon as they meet you, which is fair
enough, considering what MJ is planning to do
with their little daughters. Some enemies,
however, have guns, which they will shoot you
with. Unfortunately they seem to have steel rods
in their arms which prevent them from aiming, so
they can be foiled by the cunning use of ducking.
the first level you're attacked by countless
clones of encyclopaedia salesmen while running
around some nightclub or something, and behind
certain doors you'll find the little girls,
crying their eyes out in the knowledge that
Michael Jackson - or 'Great Satan' as he is
sometimes known in primary school circles - has
broken into their house and is coming for them,
just as their mothers warned would happen if they
didn't eat all their vegetables. As soon as you
find the little girls they say 'Michael!' in the
same way a homosexual man would say 'Jeffrey
Dahmer! Well I never!', before disappearing off
the screen on a glowing blue rocket skateboard to
be taken to MJ's harem in the bouncy castle in
his back garden. All the little girls wear red
dresses, carry teddies and have blonde hair in
'Heidi of the Alps'-style pigtails, so I assume
either the same people who are cloning the
encyclopaedia salesman also have a 'little girl'
unit, or it's always just the same girl who keeps
escaping from MJ's garden. I guess that answer's
good for female empowerment, so we'll assume it's
that one.
in the nightclub level MJ finds himself faced by
a very curious cadre of women. These beasts dress
up like 1950's burlesque dancers and when you try
to walk past them they grab you and won't let you
go until you kick them in the teeth, at which
point they become docile again. What are the
motives of these women? I have three
suppositions. To illustrate them, here are the
three possible things I imagine these women say
when they grab MJ:

Eeeeek! It's Michael Jackson! Please give me an
autograph! Actually, do you have any autographs
left over from the time when you didn't suck?
Eeeeek! It's Michael Jackson! I'll do anything
you want, just leave my daughter alone! Take me
instead! Please, we just got her that red dress!
Excuse me, I seem to have gotten epoxy resin on
my hands. Do you mind if I wipe it off on your
gay jacket? Oh dear me, I seem to be stuck.
Perhaps some friction will loosen me. Would you
mind kicking me in the teeth?
at the end of the level, once you've captured the
little girl the required number of times, a
monkey in a red sweater appears and jumps on your
head. Jesus, MJ, save it for when you're out of
enemy territory at least. When you take the
little primate slowly discovering its sexuality
to a certain place in the level it leaps away in
fright and a strange man appears, says you'll
never catch him, and leaves. I think he was one
of those homeless men who say really wild and
unpredictable things like 'I CAN SMELL YOUR
SOUL!' who came in through one of the many
unlocked doors. After he leaves more hordes of
encyclopaedia salesmen appear, who MJ must beat
up. When they're all gone the little girl
reappears, perhaps to check if her army succeeded
in destroying her tormentor, and he walks up to
her and thrusts his crotch in her face as if to
say 'Nope, bitch. Now get on your knees and show
me how much you love me'. After this, the scene
mercifully fades out.

MJ arrives on the next level - the streets.
Apparently the clone people got bored of the
encyclopaedia salesmen - doesn't everyone? - and
decided to populate the streets with clones of
pirates instead. They wear red bandanas! And they
sit up on roofs going 'aharr'. Also, you
occasionally meet clones of Boba Fett who try to
shoot you with an automatic weapon, a little
pointless since these guys seem to have steel
rods in their arms too, until they get a faceful
of glitter and must hurry to somewhere really
manly like a building site or a Yorkie
advertisement in order to be de-gayed.
of which is leading up to the third level, a
forest place to which the little girl has fled in
order to hide in bushes and - for some reason -
inside graves. Fortunately for her the friendly
zombies that populate the area decide to team up
to protect her from Great Satan, who arrives
shortly to show these walking dead the meaning of
glitter. This is all padding before I make the
ultimate revelation, of course. After the zombies
get hit once by one of MJ's glitter attacks, they
start doing ballet. I'm not kidding. They begin
leaping around joyfully like it's the opening
night of Swan Lake. So either this was a special
part of the forest where all the zombies are
resurrected ballet dancers, or this is just one
royally fucked up game, which I think was already
pretty clear.

was about as far as I could get before my opinion
on this game was fully constructed, so here I'm
afraid this article must conclude. What have we
learned on our voyage of discovery? Well, we've
learned that Michael Jackson is a demigod on
earth with the power to control the unstoppable
force of glitter. We've learned that he kicks
prostitutes in the face if they get between him
and his prey. We've learnt that monkeys enjoy
sitting on his face. We've learnt that zombies
enjoy ballet, and homeless people are difficult
to catch.
summary, then, this game could only be gayer if
it was fronted by Richard Simmons in rainbow
Rating: 48%
Summary: "Gay"
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