your mind back many, many years (months) to when
I was still a fledgling horror movie sequel
reviewer, writing an amusing little critique on a
little movie named Friday the 13th Part 2, which
was about a facially disfigured loony wearing
dungarees and a bag on his head taking out an
obvious oedipal complex on some promiscuous camp
counsellors. Now fast forward back to today, and
seven sequels later, when my seasoned reviewing
brain is taking on a film named Jason Goes to
Hell: The Final Friday, which is about an
invincible zombie heavily deformed demon man in a
corroded metal hockey mask and a torn jumpsuit
possessing people. Clearly they've taken what
you'd call 'the long way round the houses'.
Voorhees, not exactly a picture of youthful
beauty to begin with, is now the ugliest flippin'
son of a psycho you ever did see. His facial
disfigurement has accelerated rapidly over the
seven-odd sequels I haven't seen, to the extent
that the flesh of his face now overlaps the edges
of his mask. He's been wearing it so long you
probably couldn't get it off the guy with a shoe
horn. Fortunate, then, that we hardly see him
throughout the movie, since he does most of his
killin' in the bodies of other people (is the
title graphic for this article starting to make
more sense?).
thing that annoys me about this film is that it's
largely a self-parody, like Evil Dead 2 but more
subtle. And it's no fun taking the piss out of a
self-parody when the job's already been done.
However, it does make my life a little easier, as
I only have to describe what happens and there's
the humour right there.

open with some chick driving up to a pleasant
little summer house in Camp Crystal Lake, and we
get to see her potter about changing a lightbulb
and do all sorts of riveting stuff like brush her
teeth, all to the tune of those little
tension-building sound effects the Friday the
13th series is known for (they sound like this:
'Kih-hih-hih, Hoh-hoh-hoh'. Repeat x20 and you
have the soundtrack of the opening sequence),
until she decides to take all her clothes off and
have a bath. Seasoned horror movie veterans like
myself will note that this is the equivalent of
painting a target on your chest and dangling your
goolies over the bad guy's machete. Surprise
surprise, Jason turns up and she is chased,
towel-clad, through thick undergrowth ...
whereupon a SWAT team appear from nowhere, pump
J.V. full of lead and blow him into millions of
tiny bits with a mortar shell. Aha! Finally the
police force have actually watched some of the
movies and used devious tactics to lure J.V. out
with everything that he loves - darkness, nudity
and chicks (we learn now that the towel woman is
an undercover FBI agent) - and finish him off.
'Course, they could just leave the poor bugger
alone and make sure no-one ever goes back into
Crystal Lake, but that'd be taking the loser's
way out, now wouldn't it. From the undergrowth, a
mysterious black man watches their celebration
and shakes his head. He knows something they
another black man, not mysterious this time, is
shown wheeling what little remains of the V-man
into an autopsy room, as the credits roll and
stirring music warns us of the times to come. The
coroner starts talking into his dictaphone in
true Quincy fashion, talking about how dead Jason
looks in his expert opinion, what with the body
being in fifteen pieces and the heart sitting in
a little dish by the side. Speaking of which,
when the coroner pokes the heart with a pencil it
starts beating, which catches him off guard a
little, then he gives it a cheeky little sidelong
glance, picks it up and starts eating it.
ask me. Maybe he skipped lunch. Or maybe he's a
recovering chocoholic and the thing might have
looked, from a certain angle and if you squint
properly, like a great big easter egg. Anyway, he
eats it, little orange fireballs come out of
Jason and zip into the coroner's chest, some very
strange noises are heard, and we cut away. Some
other coroner turns up, talks cheerily to his
partner, apparently not noticing his silence and
the look on his face not unlike the look on the
face of a tiger when faced with a lamb turning up
and giving him a hearty slap on the back and an
inquiry into how his kids are doing. Jason,
possessing the coroner, finally kills someone,
and we notice that his reflection in a metal
cabinet portrays his true hockey-mask-wearing
visage. Just call him Jason Voorhees, the Sam
Beckett of the serial killing world!
plot mode. Jason kills some more people and we're
introduced to this little cafe having a rather
premature 'Jason is Dead 2 for 1 burger sale'.
The mysterious black man turns up and warns one
of the waitresses that J.V. is after her for a
reason known only to themselves, and gets thrown
out by some sheriff guy. We're also introduced to
a geeky bespectacled fellow who's a friend of the
waitress chick, and incidentally father of her
daughter's baby, whom she asks to see later on at
her house (the geek fella, not the baby). On the
way, Mr. Geek picks up some attractive young
hitch-hikers who vocally express a desire to go
skinny-dipping and have promiscuous sex up at
Camp Crystal Lake. He drops them off, declines
their offer for him to join them, and drives off.
See if you can guess their fate. Go on, guess.
I'll give you a clue. It involves a machete.
(still wearing the coroner) decides its time to
test-drive a new body, and decides on some
policeman friend of waitress chick. He kills his
wife (Jason don't want to possess no sissy
girl!), takes the cop to the old Voorhees house,
and gives him a great big slobbery kiss, which is
apparently how one possesses people. Note that -
Voorhees house? Why weren't we introduced to this
place in other sequels? JV was living in a little
shack in the forest in Part 2, where'd this house
spring from? Is this a response to some kind of
clause wherein every big serial killer in the
1980s had to have their own house for people to
get scared of? Think about it. Michael Myers had
a house and so did Freddy. Once you rule out lazy
writers it's got to be legislation.
Geek arrives at waitress's house just in time to
see her being attacked by Jason in the cop body.
JV is stabbed and thrown out of the window (yeah,
like that'll work), but the waitress is fatally
wounded, and dies in Geek's arms just as the cops
conveniently arrive. He gets arrested, o'course,
but the police are ever so nice about it. He
finds himself in the cell next to mysterious
black man, who offers to tell him the secrets of
Voorhees, for a price. This price turns out to be
broken fingers. For the following information,
mysterious black man breaks two of Mr. Geek's
fingers. I dunno why. Maybe he just liked the
sound they made.
he divulges this - Jason can possess other people
(duh) but only for a short while, as then they
get too full of Jason-lurgy to go on. To be
reborn, he needs to possess a living relative.
"In a Voorhees was he born, only through a
Voorhees can he be reborn, and only by the hands
of a Voorhees can he die". So, why the
waitress chick? Well, apparently she's his
sister. Again, why do they never tell us these
things in other sequels? Do they not trust us or
something? With the waitress dead that only
leaves two relatives - her daughter (geek's ex)
and her daughter's baby (geek's baby too).
Conveniently, they arrive in town the same day
with her new boyfriend in tow, which just about
makes this the most awkward day of Mr. Geek's

speed plot. Armed with his new knowledge of
Jason, Mr. Geek escapes the police station and
goes to the old Voorhees house to check around,
where he finds what is blatantly the Necronomicon
from Evil Dead 2 (I love in-jokes, don't you?),
and hides in a cupboard when Jason's niece's new
boyfriend arrives on the phone to his agent ('cos
the boyfriend's a TV reporter, see). He divulges
that he put waitress' body under the floorboards
of the house for a giggle, then Jason arrives and
sticks his tongue down his throat. The cop's
body, infected with Jason lurgy, now melts, and
Jason in his new body stomps off. A lot of
complicated things happen which I won't go into
'cos I've written too much, and in the end Mr.
Geek, Jason niece, baby and mysterious black man
end up together in the Voorhees house, where
niece realises what she has to do - kill the
bastard. Jason turns up, now possessing another
cop bloke, but Mr. Geek decapitates him and a
little lizard thingy crawls out of the neck
stump. Stick with me on this.
thingy (Jason, apparently) legs it down to the
cellar, where it finds the body of waitress
chick. And apparently the Voorhees relative
doesn't need to be alive to allow Jason to be
reborn. Scarcely believing his luck, Jason in his
original form returns (complete with outfit and
hockey mask, bizarrely), erupts through the
floorboards and seeks to polish off everyone
else. There's a bit of a fight, mysterious black
man is killed, niece stabs JV in the heart, weird
stuff happens with coloured lights and fireballs
and fake-looking rubbery gargoyle hands coming up
from below the ground to drag Jason under, and
that's about it, save another horror movie
in-joke at the end. Mr. Geek and niece walk off
together arm in arm. I think they forgot to take
the baby with them. It's hard to tell, but it'd
be funnier if they had.
I wrote an awful lot today. Ratings time!
in ears rating - 8/10
Hmm... yeah, couple of jumpy scary
moments. Get those cushions ready, children.
and guts rating - 10/10
C'mon, it's a Jason film, no end of the
stuff. The bit where one of J.V.'s old bodies
gets the Jason lurgy and melts is particularly
nekkid and DIE! rating - 9/10
Sometimes I wonder if the makers of the
Jason films know about my scoring system and do
this just to appease me. The three attractive
hitch hikers were introduced solely so they
could, indeed, get nekkid and die. But they lose
a point 'cos the FBI woman at the beginning got
nekkid but didn't die. Losers!
heroes rating - 4/10
I didn't think much of Jason's relatives
and some of the other good guys, but I respected
the mysterious black man, and the main hero - the
geeky fellow - earned no rancour from me. Dare I
say it ... I actually kind of liked him. And not
just because he wore glasses.
horror movie sequel rating - 8/10
Some very fine keeping to horror sequel
cliches, the score dragged down a little by the
very poor turnout of hateful heroes. Must try
Rating: 81%
Summary: "Melty"
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