Reed VSC
by Yahtzee
I don't know if it's the same for
everyone else, but there seemed to be an awful
lot of people who wanted to be writers at my old
school. This came as quite a surprise to me when
I found out. I was telling my best friend proudly
that I was working on my very first novel (I
think I was twelve at the time, ripe for my first
crushing disillusionment) when he dismissively
nodded and began telling me about his.
a little reunion at my old middle school, our old
teacher asked us what we were planning to do with
our lives, and I was all set to wow everyone with
my plans to write novels when four other people
made the same claim before me.
feelings on this went from surprise quickly to
scorn - look at all these tossers who think their
five page scribblings of Space Captain Blake
Lazar's adventures in the Hyperion Galaxy mean
they can write books! - to bitter anger - how
dare these pretenders take away my own glory by
undermining my serious plans for a career in
writing! - but I never gave them another thought
until Phil Reed gave me a copy of his new book to
is an old friend of mine from the early days of AGS, but
don't assume there's going to be any favouritism
at work here, because he's written a book that's
went the initial rabid thoughts of the struggling
artist, but I have since quietened myself with
the knowledge that you could pick any two writers
of equal skill, have them read each other's work,
and they would both instantly proclaim each other
the champion. Unless one of them happens to be
Stephen King, because he's a jerk.
am a writer from the school that believes a
person picks up a book to be entertained. If
anyone laughs at any time for any reason while
reading my text, I'm fulfilled. Phil, on the
other hand, sees writing as an opportunity to
create art that speaks directly to - if not
something as romantic as the soul - then the
little metaphorical hamster that drives the gears
of the mind and body. I'm not sure if any
approach to writing is more valid than the other,
but I do know what I like.
by now, if I was Phil, I'd be getting pretty
ticked off with my reviewer endlessly diverting
the subject to himself, so let's get started on
the book.
Ran Out Of Faces' is a collection of short
stories with few links between them besides
similarities in theme. Now, I don't pretend to be
a smart man. Well, I do. But I don't pretend to
be the specific kind of smart man who wears black
poloneck sweaters, attends poetry readings, and
discusses the underlying metaphors of Proust
while stirring our lives away into triple choc
mochalattes. I'm not the kind of person who reads
a book and finds references to Nabokov in
underlying subtexts or a hidden meaning to the
effect that no-one should eat jam on a Tuesday. I
read a story and I see only what's on the
surface. The people, the events, the
circumstances. No doubt other, more
literally-minded people would get all sorts of
stuff from Phil's book, but I'm afraid I can only
review it with my own uncomplicated, surface
approach to art. By golly that Phil Reed uses
some fancy-pants smarty talk.
Reed is a man who writes about his own life,
albeit altered into fiction, with characters
derived from himself and the people around him.
What is slightly worrying, then, is that most of
his protagonists - at least in the earlier
stories like 'Sisters' and 'Somebody Else's
Monkey' - are awkward, unattractive men with
relationship difficulties. Ladies, please bring
forth a volunteer to have sex with Phil Reed at
the earliest opportunity, for the good of us all.
that most of the stories are about men with women
problems may sound like a criticism, but it isn't
intended to be. I'm making it sound like the
stories are repetitive, but, as weak a defense
this may seem, they aren't. Each tale introduces
a new situation and a new angle. Characterisation
is one of Phil's particular strengths; we can all
identify with his protagonists because we've all
been in similarly uncomfortable situations, and
there are plenty of uncomfortable situations in
the book for at least one to coincide with some
uncherished memory of your own. From another
direction, when Phil sets out to portray a
character as a jerk, you can be sure that the
intention will come across. Perhaps the reader
will be reminded of their own lives here, too, of
the jerks of their own acquaintance. Speaking
personally, the narrator of 'Somos las Bolas'
seemed awfully familiar to me, and the unpleasant
antagonist in the same story brought to mind the
jerk I mentioned in the first paragraph of this
a writer, as well, I found myself drawn into the
story 'Notes for Future Masterpiece', which is
told by a writer detailing his unhealthy
obsession with a female character he writes
about, only to discover in his attempts to break
off the 'relationship' that the relationship is
more complicated than he thought. The underlying
joke here, I suppose, being that both are
characters of Phil's, but this irony goes
unrealised by the characters. This brings us,
then, onto the subject of Phil's sense of humour.
who has played his two Larry
Vales games will know that there is
a very keen comedic intellect rattling around in
our Phil, and this comes across frequently in
'God...', even though the focus this time around
is admitted to be philosophy rather than jokes.
Humour appears sometimes unexpectedly in the
long, lovingly-written analogies and internal
monologues, and the mild banalities exchanged by
the characters. I suppose the centrepiece of the
book from a comedic point of view are the
conjoined works 'A Bee Sees' and 'Call me
former is a truly dreadful poem, full of
infuriating teenage angst, which gave me cause to
wonder. "Phil!" I thought to myself.
"What's this all coming from? I never knew
you were such a Robert-Smith-listener-to."
Then I moved onto the next story, an assessment
of the poem's author, written by a barely
literate bogus psychiatrist, and realised the
joke. Doctor Kickles, the aforementioned shyster,
is the book's only recurring character (appearing
no less than twice), who reminded me very much of
Douglas Adams' Dirk Gently, a jerk who means well
and somehow retains both the audience's affection
and contempt. It is through Kickles that we get
some of the book's funniest moments, but he also
has his own pitiful private struggles, involving
- all together now - relationships with women!
lot of the stories end with some loose ends
untied, leaving the reader to decide further
outcome for themselves. Does Curtis Dobbs
embarrass himself at the parade demonstration?
Does Roger Pater ever get himself a five-foot
Equatorial penguin? Perhaps to dwell on such
things is to miss the point. Perhaps Phil's
intention is to only give us the middle of a
story, hacking off the beginning and end so that
our focus remains more on the characters than the
misfortunes that befall them. Or perhaps there's
no intention at all, and we're invited to take
whatever we like from God Ran Out Of Faces. So
why don't I tell you what I took from it?
read a book that was lovingly written, frequently
hilarious, and which struck a chord here and
there, and that's a lot more than what I usually
ask for in a book. So if you don't find something
you like in it, then you're one of the jerks.
here to buy God Ran Out Of Faces
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