by dawn' is not to be confused with the similarly
titled 'Evil Dead 2: Dead by dawn', mainly
because if you took the former and multiplied its
quality by sixty billion then the latter could
still kick the shit out of it. Yes, this
particular Dead by Dawn is a fairly typical
erotic thriller in that it features murder,
shagging, acting quality usually seen in the
first week of term at a drama school run for
'special' children and ex-Playboy Playmate
Shannon Tweed. The presence of ex-Playboy
Playmate Shannon Tweed automatically makes a film
an 'erotic thriller'. I once saw an awful sci-fi
film about a serum that makes people invincible
that starred ex-Playboy Playmate Shannon Tweed
but no sex and it was STILL billed as an 'erotic
our tale begins, as so many do, with credits.
Then we see a bunch of cars driving around as
crappy 'tense' music plays and our story opens at
the poolside of a wealthy Hollywood home.
Instantly our visual sensors are assaulted by a
barrage of BLONDE. A pair of wealthy Hollywood
wives (one of whom is ex-Playboy Playmate Shannon
Tweed!) sit around a table with small blonde
octopi on their heads playing a game I like to
call 'my life sucks more than yours' while
simultaneously introducing us to the characters
with some of the most obvious exposition I have
ever heard. At one point the woman who is NOT
ex-Playboy Playmate Shannon Tweed points out to
the woman who is ex-Playboy Playmate Shannon
Tweed that she has two beautiful kids. These two
beautiful kids are mentioned about six hundred
times but we never actually see them, possibly
because the producer couldn't afford to spring
the director's bail after he was jailed for
trying to 'recruit' a couple from the local
well. Immediately the husbands of this pair
appear from nowhere, one of whom is FAT. I know
it's only the women that need to be physically
attractive in these films but, I mean, blimey.
He's podgy. He has no discernible chin.
Personally I think the guy was some fat friend of
the producer who always sits in the corner during
showbiz parties crying because no-one ever wants
to sleep with him who someone took pity on. I
mean, I can accept that people in Hollywood spend
their days sitting by the pool talking about how
much their lives suck, but a fat bloke married to
ex-Playboy Playmate Shannon Tweed? That's
stretching the suspension of disbelief somewhat.
Fatty and ex-Playboy Playmate Shannon Tweed
decide it's time to go so they piss off and, by
way of a reward to the viewer for having sat
through all this, the other woman and her husband
start gettin' it on in the pool. This
heartwarming scene of consenting adults is
intercut by images of Fatty perving on them from
the house, just in case anyone thought it was
safe to start masturbating. Anyway, Fatty and
ex-Playboy Playmate Shannon Tweed go back to
their delightful home and suddenly start shagging
in the kitchen. It's ... well ... ex-Playboy
Playmate Shannon Tweed isn't as young as she used
to be and watching Fatty's gut slither all over
her ... it's just not very pleasant. At one point
they start biting each other and Fatty props her
up on the kitchen counter, so I could only
presume he was preparing his dinner. Ha. See,
that is funny because I said fat people like to
eat humans.

from these films are impossible to find, and
would no doubt lower
the tone of this site, so here's a picture of a
puppy instead.
heaves finished, next we move on to fat bloke and
other husband playing tennis. Interesting how
people who don't seem to actually do any work can
lead such glamourous playboy lifestyles, isn't
it? Anyway, the two men start playing their own
version of 'my life sucks more than yours' during
which it becomes clear that Fatty isn't as happy
with his slightly mature but nonetheless hot wife
as his friend is with his young, pretty wife. I
presume so anyway, I couldn't hear a word of most
of their discourse 'cos the toilet was flushing
in the next room, then I went downstairs to
answer an e-mail, but when I came back the pair
of them were sitting by the pool drinking a lot,
whereupon the woman who is not ex-Playboy
Playmate Shannon Tweed appears, either having
forgotten her trousers or wearing a party dress
that is better defined as a long t-shirt. She
starts sunbathing. In a party dress. And Fatty
man's friend starts making very unsubtle hints
that he thinks Fatty should shag her. I know, I
know, I didn't write this stupid film. Non-Fatty
then lends Fatty his super-powerful car so he can
get used to borrowing things his friend
associates with his penis, and the next thing we
know we're back at the poolside again.
time the other woman and non-Fatty flirt
clumsily, snog in front of Fatty, and now seem to
be playing a new game, called 'our life kicks the
shit out of yours'. Ex-Playboy Playmate Shannon
Tweed appears from nowhere and they all decide to
get in the pool and have a swim. Except Fatty,
who says he forgot his swimsuit, but I think he
was just sparing us further sight of his hideous
paunch. For this I feel I must thank him. Anyway,
Fatty sits in the house and broods over how much
he'd like to shag his best friend's wife, then
non-Fatty turns up and commences a conversation
with highly homoerotic undertones. "Did you
like the car?" "Yes." "I have
some other ... toys ... you could play with
(suggestive glance)". It gets worse, believe
me. Fatty fidgets with a baseball bat, clearly
debating with himself whether the world would
weep for the loss of the non-Fatty if he
bludgeoned him into a pile of red mush and teeth.
The Fatty is adamant that he will not sleep with
either non-Fatty or non-Fatty's wife, putting his
gross sweaty foot down, saying "men don't
just offer their wives to other men".
Clearly not a veteran erotic thriller actor.
night, non-Fatty and his wife share the stupidest
lines in the film.
still thinking with your dick."
you still love it!"
on as hastily as is humanly possible, Fatty and
ex-Playboy Playmate Shannon Tweed are trying to
shag again, but they keep forgetting to take
their pants off and eventually are drawn away by
one of their bratty kids demanding a glass of
water. Fatty then broods some more, wondering if
maybe shagging non-Fatty's wife would be fun, as
there would be no bratty kids to instigate coitus
interruptus. This man's life would be a whole lot
less complicated if he and his wife introduced
themselves to the concept known as 'motels'.
next thing we know, non-Fatty is holding a party
with all his non-Fatty friends, while Fatty sits
in the middle of it all brooding some more over
his sex life and wondering if he could get away
with eating a few of the guests (BLARG. BLARG.),
but keeps that to himself. Non-fatty wife appears
pissed out of her mind and wearing a dress with a
neckline so low that there are small birds and
rodents building nests inside her cleavage. She
passes the time of day with Fatty, then starts
posing against the light while apparently engaged
in rapt conversation with a doorframe. Non-Fatty
takes this opportunity to try to convince Fatty
to shag her again. Fatty is outwardly incensed,
but then traps her in a nearby room and talks her
into sucking face. She says "You're really
cute." He replies with "Er, thank
you." Then they start snogging. I guess
alcohol regresses one back to the teenage years.
flees, fearing the wrath of ex-Playboy Playmate
Shannon Tweed, but then he comes back and finds
non-Fatty's wife lying face-down on the bed,
stark nude, like some kind of sacrifice to the
God of Cholesterol. Fatty lumbers on top of her
and they start getting frisk-ay. She rides him
like the fattest horse in the stable.
this point you may be wondering precisely why
this film is named 'Dead by Dawn', when perhaps a
more apt title would be 'Revenge of the
Sex-Crazed Blubber Monster'. Well, here comes the
relevancy. Don't blink or you might miss it. Next
morning, after Fatty has shot his load and gone
back to his own bed, non-Fatty's wife is found
DEAD! And she is found at DAWN! Somehow, we feel
fulfilled. The sex scene between her and Fatty
incidentally ended extremely suddenly, with no
explanation of what Fatty did afterwards, so I
think it would be pretty cool if it turned out
that Fatty was the culprit, having crushed her to
death by his enormous lardy mass. But no, this is
an erotic thriller, and erotic thrillers aren't
as clever as me. Turns out someone cut her throat
and bashed her head in with a baseball bat after
he'd left.
pair of rough tough cops interrogate the deeply
upset non-Fatty, mentioning incidentally that
they found fresh semen in wifey's love pudding
(Fatty is an idiot) and non-Fatty vows to protect
his friend. Fatty drives someplace while brooding
with more intensity than ever before (we see
quick flashes of non-Fatty's wife's tits in case
we've forgotten what they looked like already)
and the rough tough cops play good-cop-bad-cop
with non-Fatty in a cell with a bare lightbulb.
Hell, they pulled out all the stops to make this
original and ground-breaking, didn't they.
we see ex-Playboy Playmate Shannon Tweed in a
domestic setting, scrubbing out some cups, and it
doesn't really fit her. See, this is ex-Playboy
Playmate Shannon Tweed. She's a sex kitten, she
just doesn't look right scrubbing out cups. She
should be wearing a black leather bodice and
standing with legs perpetually spread. But
anyway, Fatty does the stupidest fat thing he's
ever done and tells her everything. He is very
surprised when she screams at him and gets very
cross. His excuse? "I didn't mean it!"
Ladies and gentlemen, what we have here is the
Homer Simpson of erotic thrillers. 'I didn't mean
it'. Jesus. I suppose you slipped and
accidentally fell onto her naked, spreadeagled
body. You fat idiot.

Here's another puppy, as far removed from murder
and overweight
sex fiends as possible.
police then come for Fatty, non-Fatty having
apparently let his name slip in one of the
interrogations, and stupid Fatty tells all once
again. Because he is stupid. They find a bloody
baseball bat with his fingerprints on and arrest
as tough cop gloats over how Fatty will fry like
a disgusting greasy piggy, his slightly less
tough cop partner has a niggling doubt. Of
course, it's the eternally correct 'Cop's Hunch'
which gets them into so much trouble with their
superiors. Apparently non-Fatty took out a two
million dollar life insurance just four months
previously (SHOCK!) and ex-Playboy Playmate
Shannon Tweed apparently dropped off her kids
with her parents then disappeared into the ether
(HORROR!) though she can't have disappeared very
well, 'cos we immediately see her appear in
non-Fatty's house and they start getting bizzay
just to confirm what everyone's already worked
out. Then we see them walking together on a
beach, smiling and gazing into the middle
distance a lot.
going to happen now?" you ask, on the edge
of your seat. "Will the tough cop believe
the slightly less tough cop's hunch and save
Fatty from the electric chair in time? Will
ex-Playboy Playmate Shannon Tweed and her evil
boyfriend get their come-uppance? Will legions of
pink hippos in Halloween masks descend from the
sky and sing and dance to a series of popular
film ends.
have some ratings.
Law Rating: 7/10
There are cops, and they're tough
hard-boiled ones too. But they only appear in the
closing half hour of this eternally asinine film,
so they lose a few points there.
Lesbians Rating: 1/10
Disappointing. Ex-Playboy Playmate
Shannon Tweed turns out to be evil, and at one
point she is wearing a swimsuit in the general
location of the other woman while she, too, wears
a swimsuit, but that's about the best we have.
Clothes Rating: 6/10
On one occasion we leap straight from
Fatty and ex-Playboy Playmate Shannon Tweed being
fully dressed to the pair of them rolling around
in their pants, and we aren't sure what happened
to the clothes the other woman was wearing before
she decided to get nekkid and prostrate herself
across her bed, so yeah.
the Breast Rating: 4/10
A little semi-breast devouring in the
pool at the beginning, but not much more. I'm
surprised Fatty didn't indulge in this sport,
actually, as ex-Playboy Playmate Shannon Tweed
certainly has a bountiful meal on her chest.
Not Porn, Honest" Rating: 7/10
In true erotic thriller style, they make
us sit through endless boring tension and
brooding before anyone gets bizzay, and the
actual sex scenes are surprisingly restrained in
terms of length.
Erotic Thriller Rating: 5/10
Let down by lack of lesbians, I'm
afraid. But still a typical erotic thriller. I
almost included in my erotic thriller reviewing
system a rating called the 'Ex-Playboy Playmate
Shannon Tweed Rating', in which erotic thrillers
starring her received full marks, but then
realised that she appears in every erotic
thriller ever made.
Rating: 37%
Summary: "Lard"
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