I've been thinking about crime. And sex. Mostly
sex. But in between the sex I've been thinking
about crime. And sweets. But mostly crime.
is, I know that in order to rule the world I'm
going to have to be able to commit crimes without
petty things like moral quibbles getting in the
way, so I began my training recently. I don't
want to delve right into international terrorism
and drug smuggling straight away, I'd be in way
over my head, I have to work up to it nice and
gentle with some small-scale crime. To this end I
acquired a copy of the Big Book of Silly Laws and
spent the day letting Welsh people into the city
of Chester, driving geese across Tower Bridge and
standing under a lamp-post loitering.
I did all this for hours and wasn't arrested a
single time! Most of the police actually seemed
rather embarrassed to look at me, obviously
averting their gaze from what they know is an
unstoppable criminal mastermind at work! Soon I
felt confident enough to move up to theft. I
didn't own any black and white striped jumpers or
big sacks with 'SWAG' written along the side, so
I decided to opt for the ultimate in computer
debauchery: WAREZ!
every site I visited in my hunt for warez (having
entered 'warez' into Yahoo) either linked me
instantly to some other warez site that had been
shut down in the 1950's or to a page so loaded
with pornographic pop-up ads that I went
instantly blind and had to spend three days in
reconstructive retinal surgery.
quest for free games I don't deserve not having
born fruit I opted for the next best thing -
EMULATION! It's sort of nicking things! In
downloading ROMs of old Nintendo and Commodore 64
games I'm probably depriving some stall holder at
a rummage sale of 50 precious pence. Eat that,
with me, I'm getting to a point with this
article. I downloaded emulators for the NES, the
SNES, the Sega Genesis and Master System, the
Amiga, some computer from Croatia no-one's ever
heard of and finally the Commodore 64. I was
particularly keen on getting hold of one of those
as I'd had a C64 in my youth and enjoyed many
happy years of headaches with the delightful
thing. I began scouring ROM directories
downloading games I remember from my past with a
twinkly gleam in my eye, then remembered I had
copies of the games on cassette in the attic.
Dash it all, I realised, according to the
disclaimer that means I haven't committed any
crimes yet! I turned my nostalgia sensors down a
notch and went out into the unknown.
my surprise when I discovered a ROM for a little
game called 'Nightmare on Elm Street' for the
brave little Commodore machine. 'Nifty' was the
first thought that entered my head, so I
downloaded it with all haste, booted up my
Emulator and started to play this shameless
cash-in product of the 1980's.
me now as I laugh. HAR HAR HARDY HAR HAR.
game was so crap.
you can imagine some Goth wanker sitting at one
of those tiny little toy electronic keyboards
playing the Nightmare on Elm Street theme, that's
the impression I got from the music at the
beginning. Then there's a big picture of the man
himself, Frederick Kreuger Esq., holding up his
claws and looking at us with an expression that
seemed to say 'Yes, I know I look stupid, but
bear with us, this gets better'.

onto the title page, and we have to decide
between choosing one of six characters, who I
recognised from Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream
Warriors [Cheffo - please link that last bit to
the appropriate article, there's a love]. Made
sense, I suppose, that film had the easiest
concept to work into a game. So you choose from
one of six, each of whom has a DREAM POWER, like
in the film. Except Joey, the mute kid. It just
said he was the 'victim' so he doesn't get a
dream power.
chose Will, the kid in the specs, as he got the
neatest power (magic lightning) and 'cos on the
backdrop of stars his picture looked disturbingly
like Harry Potter, and I like that in a man.
After a bit of loading time we then find
ourselves deposited in Elm Street. Or Elm
Streets, as there seem to be several. Our
character is a tiny white stick figure surrounded
by houses, and a little message box commanded me
the hell am I supposed to recognise Freddy's
house?" was my first thought, closely
followed by "AAAAH! SHIT!" when Freddy
appeared, running towards me very fast, about
four times bigger than me and certainly far too
large to fit in any of the houses. So off I
sprint, as fast as my pixel-thick legs can carry
me, desperate to escape the freak in the stripey
sweater. But oh no! Within seconds I'm trapped in
a dead end, the man himself closing in fast! All
I could do was shut my eyes and fill my pants as
he pounced on my frail form. That was when I
discovered I could run straight through him,
flashing slightly as I did and losing a bit of
energy. I know I shouldn't expect anything
graphic from a C64 game, but it was nonetheless

I eventually found Freddy's stupid damn house,
which looked not dissimilar to all the other
houses except for a fetching little porch, and
within seconds found myself locked inside. Now
the camera zooms in and I find myself as a dumpy
dark-haired fellow in a white shirt running
around the house, which seems to have become
slightly larger since I last saw it, collecting
money and batteries and coffee. Coffee? Yes,
coffee gave me extra energy, even though I wasn't
sure if I could trust tasty beverages that had
been lying around on the floor in Freddy's
delightful little abode.
for the batteries, that stumped me a little.
Perhaps I was going to acquire an electric
toothbrush weapon later in the game with which to
I later replayed this game and became the
blonde-haired chick instead, and when I got to
the above section I discovered that I was, once
again, controlling a dumpy dark-haired fellow in
a white shirt. Obviously the art team objected to
creating several sprites for such a dodgy game.
In fact the only thing that I could use to remind
myself what character I was was the occasional
message saying that 'You hear X screaming in
agony in the distance'. I knew that I was
probably playing whoever's name doesn't occur in
these occasional heartening outbursts.
I'm running around the house being attacked by
skeletons. Not Freddy. Apparently Freddy couldn't
take time out of his busy schedule to attack me
at this point, despite having chased me from one
end of the town to the other earlier on, but
let's not question the man, he knows what he's
doing. So the skeletons are closing in and I lay
into them with a baseball bat. Skeletons hate
baseball bats as they all seem to be instantly
atomized when you hit them with one.
I eventually stumble across a ladder that takes
me down to the next level, where I'm attacked by
wheelchairs. Now, this is a little more relevant
as Will (who incidentally I later discovered was
played in the film by an actor with a really
girly name) was attacked by a wheelchair at one
point in said film, but I was attacked by a
wheelchair even when playing other characters, so
the game didn't gain any points for that. A
little more blundering around takes me down to
the third level, where a bunch of ghosts (who
look exactly like white sheets with holes cut
out) attack me mercilessly and green swirly
things litter my path. I got stuck at this point
'cos I didn't know what the hell I was supposed
to be doing. In a Freddy film I'd have been
gutted six times by now, I felt lost and
confused. So I turned off and read a book
I hear you mutter, "Was all that talk of
crime really just an intro to a badly written
review of some crap Nightmare on Elm Street C64
game you found?"
it was. Get over it.
Rating: 26%
Summary: "Painful"
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