well as this page, do check out my list of The Only Good Comics On
The Internet.
of mine
The Escapist -
online gaming magazine who pay me to run my Zero
Punctuation reviews. Go and take a look around
and click on, like, a million ads so they can pay
me more money.
LanceandEskimo.com - the
homepage of the brothers Redcloud who took me in
from Yahoo Geocities, cleaned the dirt off my
clothes, gave me a page and made me one of them.
They even hosted FullyRamblomatic.com for me and
showed me how to get it started. I used to do an
article every Friday for these wonderful people,
and I still do, but now it's up here instead.
Chefelf.com - the
blog of L&E's Chefelf, or Nate to his
friends. Chefelf is the chief liaison officer
between myself and L&E and was instrumental
in starting up FullyRamblomatic.com. I love him
like a transatlantic brother.
Polymorph Want A
Cracker? - Lefty, poster
of messageboards and despoiler of women, is
responsible for this mess of comics, programming
projects and humour. I particularly enjoy the
Tripeman epics.
Heccubus' Domain - Heccubus and his chums
attempt to make the world a better place one MS
Paint comic at a time.
Phil-Reed.com - A good friend of mine
from the AGS days, Phil has moved off into the
world of writing novels and actually getting the
damn things published. Damned if I can work that
out, but it's my new mission in life to catch up
with him.
Colonpipe.com - A site run by my
sometime internet chum Datazoid, or Russ as his
mum insists on calling him. It becomes even
funnier when you realise what the title means.
I enjoy
Seanbaby.com - Sean
O'Reiley is the funniest man on the Internet. And
if you can read all the way through this site and
still disagree with me afterwards, then you're
either blind or not allowed outside without nurse
SomethingAwful.com - The
second of the two sites that chiefly inspired me
to make this one, SA has updated daily for as
long as I can remember with observations and
articles and bitching about money.
Solid Sharkey - The place to go if you
have even a passing interest in humour and
visiting a site every day in the vain hope that
it will have updated for once.
Weebl and Bob - It's
because of these cartoons that for the last few
years the simple exclamation of the word 'pie'
has reduced me to a weeping pile of mirth.
8-bit Theatre - In
the face of webcomics like this, faith in my own
ability to run a webcomic as good was quickly
Playground Law - I challenge you to
look through the archives of this bizarre
resource site and not at least once think to
yourself, "Hey, my school was like
Bubblegun.com - Although
it hasn't been updated since the Great Fire of
London, there are still plenty of archives here
that will provide endless amusement if you, like
me, think that the word 'poo' is just inherently
Platinum Grit - This is the funniest,
least appreciated comic in the Milky Way galaxy,
and I will hear no argument.
Not My Desk - Chris Livingston takes
regular and lengthy holidays from the internet,
but his presence still lingers on between the
archives of his temping site and his new blog. Let's hope he stays for
good this time.
Little Fluffy - A bunch of close-knit
internet humourists get together to educate the
world in wasting everybody's time.
pertaining to my games
Monkeygames - These
fellows host and offer support for a number of my
games, so they deserve your patronage. I also
hear they have some other games on their website,
too. Versatile men indeed!
Adventure Game Studio - The
miraculous utility with which I made all my
adventure games. To earn friends in this
community, all you have to do is go to the forum
and start throwing my name around.
Home of the
Underdogs - Probably the best site to go to
if you are tortured by a memory of some childhood
computer game and can't quite put your finger on
the title. Some of my games are featured, so they
earn points there, too.
are some banners you could use if you'd like to
link to my site on yours. Do let me know if you'd
like a link exchange, but bear in mind I will
only link to your site if it is not a load of old

some little buttons, too, if you don't feel I
deserve such big links.

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