Yahtzee's Dev Diary - In mid-2019, I set myself the ultimate solo game developer challenge: create 12 full games in 12 months, each one in some way an innovative game concept, releasing each one for free download alongside a video diary. Who would have thought I would actually succeed? (Note: I am writing this before having succeeded) Come on over and join me for this strange odyssey of self-abuse. Or just come over and play a whole bunch of weird new games I've made.
The games so far:
1/12 Preflight Panic
2/12 BRTV
3/12 Upbeat
4/12 The Life of Erich Zann
5/12 Hogpocalypse Sow
6/12 The Cleaner
7/12 The Button That Ruins Everything
8/12 Casey Joint
9/12 Hold The Phone
10/12 Something's In The Sea
11/12 The Magic Poo Machine
Hatfall - It's the official Zero Punctuation game! Put on hats! Run under the hats! Spend the hats! Make love to the hats! Be repeatedly chastised for failing to put on the hats!
The Consuming Shadow - A 'Survival Horror
Roguelike'. With only 72 hours to go before an
evil ancient god enters the world and slaughters
humanity, can you gather the banishment ritual
and figure out their identity without losing your
body and mind?
Poacher - my first game made
with Game Maker, a Metroidvania open-world
platformer in which unflappable Yorkshireman
Derek Badger journeys through a mysterious
underground kingdom to get embroiled in an
ancient war between two factions of spirit people
and rescue his gamekeeper friend.
Trilby: The Art Of Theft - an attempt to broaden
my horizons into more gameplay-based games rather
than story-based, AoT is a platform game in the
1213 engine with mission-based stealth gameplay.
Hosted generously by the Escapist, and supported
by a modest fanbase who hang around this fan forum here.
6 Days A Sacrifice - the long-awaited
fourth and final game of the John DeFoe
quadrilogy. It ties up all three previous
episodes so don't even try understanding this
game without playing through all the others
first. Council inspector Theodore Dacabe is sent
to investigate the headquarters of a fad religion
and finds himself embroiled in the machinations
of destiny.
Trilby's Notes - the third game in the
John DeFoe series (eventually a quadrilogy),
which expands the storyline and connects 5 Days
and 7 Days. Master thief turned paranormal
investigator Trilby follows the trail of John
DeFoe's soul idol to a small hotel in Wales,
where he discovers the dark history of the cursed
1213 - Another game derived
from my experiments with AGS, 1213 is a
psychological adventure in the style of
Flashback, as in running shooting climby up
ledges etc. It's about an amnesiac who wakes up
in a cell not knowing how he - hey, where're you
going? It gets better, honest!
Adventures in the Galaxy
of Fantabulous Wonderment - Just about the only
full game thus far produced by my experiments in
using AGS to create different genres and play
styles. GFW is an open-ended adventure where you
are free to faff about doing other things in
between following the main storyline.
7 Days A Skeptic - The sequel to 5 Days A
Stranger. Four hundred years into the future, the
scoutship Mephistopheles and its crew of six
discovers something it should have left alone.
5 Days A Stranger - A cat burglar breaks
into a supposedly deserted country mansion, only
to find himself imprisoned along with four
strangers by a mysterious force. A nice nasty
horror game with some murders and gore, with the
distinction of being the... er... sixth complete
game I've made with AGS.
Age of Evil - If you don't own Duke
Nukem 3D Atomic Edition version 1.4 or 1.5, give
this one a miss. If you do, congratulations! You
belong to the elite few who can play this, a
horror comedy themed Duke Total Conversion which
replaces boring old macho Duke with a smartarse
No Experience Necessary - This isn't a game at
all, but rather a script for a highly derivative
FPS game based loosely on one of my abandoned
novel attempts. I'm hoping some game developer
will notice it and pay me oodles of money to make
it. I am something of a blind optimist.
The Trials of Odysseus
Kent -
This game technically shouldn't exist since I
wrote it after I gave up making games, but here
it is. Life will find a way, I guess.
The Rob Blanc Trilogy - The three adventures
of everyday joe Rob Blanc and his green-haired
sidekick Paul as they travel throughout the
galaxy writing wrongs and making bad jokes. They
are a tribute to the old Sierra games of
yesteryear. I say that to excuse the fact that
the entire universe is drawn in MS Paint. If you
wish to draw my attention to the 'I don't know
where to go' bug in Rob Blanc 2, please don't, as
ninety-three million people have beaten you to
The Arthur Yahtzee
- Three curiously long adventures again drawn in
MS Paint and badly programmed in Visual Basic 3.
I wrote them so long ago that I didn't have
internet access at the time and had to let a
friend make a site for them. That site went down
(thank heaven for small mercies), so I got hold
of the games, uploaded them to the
FullyRamblomatic server and a good time was had
by all.
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