this was originally going to be a 'Why it would
kick arse to be...' article. In this case, 'Why
it would kick arse to be a super-hero'. But sadly
I have found myself unable to write it, as my
research into the subject has been a little
unsuccessful. Before I write a Kick Arse article
I like to get into the role I want to explore,
and I just couldn't manage it.
tried everything, believe me. I tried every
single documented way to get superpowers and none
of them worked. So, in order to prevent other
silly people damaging themselves with the
techniques, I shall detail each of them and
explain what actually did happen.
Being born with superpowers
one went straight out of the window right away.
The idea of regressing myself back to my birth
didn't hold much appeal to be honest. It's not a
very dignified period of my life and dignity is
one thing I prize above all else, even more so
than my beanie baby face hugger.
Coming from another planet
another implausible one, but I always keep an
open mind. I figured that, if I didn't have
superpowers on this planet, I might have them on
some other one. I began to research alien
sightings and abductions like billy-o. All rather
pointless, as I eventually found myself jumping
up and down in Salisbury Plain shouting
code of behaviour which alerted the local
constabulary. So I then stowed away aboard a
space shuttle as it docked with some half-built
space station thingy, and sneaked from one to the
other. You know, I spent six whole months sitting
up there and NOT ONE bloody alien race came to
pick me up. Well, there was one, but they were
more interested in jamming needles up my arse.
Undergoing scientific experimentation
was extremely well-disposed to those aliens. They
spoke an odd language but, since I spent all my
time on the space station reading every book ever
written, I knew every language ever and realised
they were speaking a variation of 16th-century
Welsh. I asked them very nicely to fill my body
up with bionic implants and cool stuff. But no.
They just held me down and stuck needles up my
arse. I even said please and everything. I tried
to be courteous as they stuffed probes here and
there. I asked for the ability to run the
two-minute mile. I asked for super hearing or
super smell. I asked for an implant that would
give me the ability to read minds. I would have
been happy with a bionic duodenum or spleen. But
did they give me anything? Did they bollocks.
Being nuked is too good for these stroppy outer
space gits.
Exposure to toxic waste
earlier plans having left me unsatisfied - and
unwilling to sit down - I decided to opt for
probably one of the more obvious ones. I toddled
on down to my friendly, neighbourhood landfill
site, slipped the foreman a bunch of fives and
'borrowed' two large canisters of top-quality
chemical slop. I then emptied the whole lot into
a paddling pool 'borrowed' from my next-door
neighbour, stripped down to my smiley-face
underpants, and jumped right in. I was prepared
for a small degree of physical mutation, which I
thought would be pretty fair in exchange for
superhuman strength and laser vision. But what
happened? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Not even
webbed toes. Well, my hair did turn bright
yellow, and I now seem to glow in the dark, but
none of that really counts as a superpower. I
suppose it must have been the wrong sort of
chemical slop.
Witnessing your parents' deaths and pledging to
battle the forces of darkness
this was a tricky one. I obviously couldn't kill
my parents. Not personally, anyway. I spoke to a
contract killer and arranged for him to shoot
them both and film it, sending me the video. I
watched it. I watched it a few times. I don't
think he was doing me right, that contract
killer. It was very badly filmed and they didn't
look much like my parents. More like a couple of
balloons tied to sacks of potatos. It didn't
really make me feel like taking on the forces of
darkness, but I went down to the local council
estate anyway, broadcasting loudly that I
intended to kick the arse of everyone who dared
to take me on. Fortunately, I started glowing
quite alarmingly, and my potential murderers were
turned right off by that. I returned home, none
the worse, but still devoid of superpowers.
Being bitten by a radioactive animal
first hurdle was getting hold of a radioactive
animal. They aren't exactly ten a penny round our
way. After scouring my local woodland for glowing
squirrels I decided the only way to get one was
to make my own. I chose the animal I wanted to
bond with (my pet lemur Simon) and took him down
to my friendly, neighbourhood power plant, where
I slipped the foreman a bunch of fives and
'borrowed' their nuclear reactor. Once I'd
plugged it in I locked Simon inside, turned it on
full blast, counted to ten, turned it off and
opened it up. I wasn't sure, but I think the
puddle of bubbling fur on the floor might have
been Simon. Unperturbed, I decided to find an
animal that would survive a small-scale nuclear
holocaust. Remembering a science magazine, I
found a humble cockroach under my toilet bowl,
locked it in the Blistermaster 4000, turned up
the blast, and opened up.
took the combined efforts of myself, a chainsaw,
the zest of half a lemon and the SAS to subdue
the ... thing that emerged. Needless to say I was
bitten, fifteen times in various body parts, as
well as licked, nibbled and violated, but I did
not grow any superpowers. A few blisters, sure.
And total sterility. But that's it.
there you go. Comics lie. If you want
superpowers, hone your latent psychic ability or
learn astral projection. Or go down the gym every
day for two years and become a He-man. Otherwise,
just hang the stupid idea and get by on the
merits you're given, you lazy scum.
The other day I was inspecting my
curtains when they suddenly caught fire.
Obviously something worked. I shall continue to
hone my new skill and give the details in a
future article. I'm too good to you lot.
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