certain recent forays into games probably
designed for small children and girls may have
revealed, I've been playing far too much Silent
Hill lately. I haven't played Animal Crossing at
all because I finished paying off my debt and
suddenly my avatar no longer had a purpose for
his existence. I know I complained about the debt
when I had it, but now it's gone away, I kind of
miss it. It's like, at least people paid
attention to me when I owed them money, if only
to make veiled threats.
now I play Silent Hill too much, because it is
the most awesome series in the world that proves
if proof be needed that the Japanese are just so
much better at this whole 'horror' thing. But
after I had finally seen the last of the endings,
including the really silly ones the designers put
a suspicious amount of effort into, I found
myself contemplating the following conundrum.
between the main protagonists of all four Silent
Hill games, is the best?
this experiment our four plucky heroes will
undergo a brief tournament, being tested in a
variety of everyday situations, so that we can
truly discover once and for all which one is the
best. Let's meet our contestants.
Harry Mason (Silent Hill)
In the
Hitch-Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy, there
is a moment when it is suggested that
Arthur Dent acquire an electronic brain,
whereupon Zaphod Beeblebrox states,
"All you'd have to do is program it
to say 'what' and 'I don't understand'
and 'where's the tea' and who'd notice
the difference?" Had he replaced the
word 'tea' with 'daughter', he could very
easily have been talking about Harry
Mason. Harry is a confused young fellow
with a strange habit of saying 'what the
hell's going on?' out loud when there is
no-one else in the room, like he's
expecting the rusty grating floor to have
an answer for him. |
Probably the most muscular of the four. Undying
determination to find his daughter in the face of
unspeakable horror.
Since corpses, bloodstained hospital beds and
evil dark parallel worlds never cease to be novel
for Harry, we can only presume he has a memory
span of about an hour.
James Sunderland (Silent Hill 2)
shares a number of qualities with Harry -
prettyboy good looks, spends most of his
time in Silent Hill searching for beloved
female relative, permanent state of total
cluelessness - but gives an overall
better impression by not vocalising his
confusion morning, noon and night. No,
James is largely a silent protagonist,
and with good reason, because of his
tendency to put his foot in it whenever
he opens his big stupid mouth. This was
the man who, when a gun wielding
psychopath announced his intention to
murder the next person who makes fun of
them, immediately responds with the words
'have you gone nuts?', then acts all
surprised when he gets a bullet up his
big stupid arse. |
Strengths: Wears
an army jacket, so possible military background?
Whether that's the case or not, by the end of the
game James has murdered a total of 2 human
beings, so has had the most practise in the arts
of combat.
Suffers from frustrated libido that allows him to
be easily swayed by slutty chicks who look like
his dead wife.
Heather Morris (Silent Hill 3)
is the only girl protagonist in the
Silent Hill series, but don't write her
off - she's also the only player
character who has the sense to put on
some body armour at some point. Heather
is not your average teenage girl, partly
because of certain dark secrets from her
past that get revealed mid-way through
Silent Hill 3, but mainly because she
looks like she gets her hair cut with a
lawn edger. She's also just about the
only Silent Hill protagonist who doesn't
walk around as confused as an Alzheimer's
victim all the time. |
Aforementioned body armour, and very strong
righteous indignation.
The whole 'pregnant with demon god' thing. This
may, however, work in her favour, if any of the
other three have any gentlemanly tendencies at
'Daydream Believer' Townshend (Silent Hill 4: The
in a Gerry Anderson puppet sort of way,
Henry Townshend spends his game battling
the subconscious mind of Walter Sullivan,
a bizarre occult serial killer, but if
you accept fanart as canonical then the
two eventually make up and form a
beautiful homosexual relationship. I've
no idea why the pseudo-people who infest
the DeviantArt community think Henry and
Walter would have a whirlwind romance,
I'd have thought they'd get the hint that
maybe the two aren't suited around the
time they were trying to murder each
other with axes. |
Probably the smartest of the four, because he's
the only one who didn't blunder into Silent Hill
of his own free will.
Virtually everyone he meets gets horribly
murdered about five minutes later. If Deviantart
is to be believed, this is Walter Sullivan's way
of flirtatiously getting his attention.
Going to a cinema and watching Big Momma's House
Harry Vs. James
round starts off badly as both participants have
to spend about ten minutes going around the
entire cinema complex trying all the doors and
raiding the unlocked storage rooms for first aid
kits and individual bottles of Yakult, so the
film is already underway by the time they have
drifted in and been ordered by the ushers to turn
off their bloody stupid pocket flashlights.
Unfortunately the plot is too complex and
impenetrable for Harry, and he is swiftly ordered
out by management when constantly shouting out
'what's going on here!' does not go down well
with other patrons.
lasts a little longer, but his presence causes
the film to become snowy after a while and then
become a film of James committing dastardly
crimes. It does not improve the moviegoing
experience, but nobody suspects James'
involvement, and he is even able to get a refund
from an apologetic management.
Going to Tesco's and buying a punnet of
Heather Vs. Henry
a certain amount of resigned apathy, Heather
watches as the demon seed in her womb turns the
entire supermarket into a rusty blood-soaked
Otherworld nightmare, transforming all the shelf
stackers into arcane beings of lunatic
construction. She then proceeds to beat them all
to death with a baguette. She finally tracks down
the watercress after collecting the Sun Plate,
Moon Plate and World Plate from the dairy aisle
and arranging them under a mural of babies being
crucified. She flees the supermarket with the
watercress tucked under her arm after shooting
dead the counter clerk before he could bite off
her face.
Henry, the supermarket does not become a wretched
cathedral of crimson unpiety, but Walter insists
on tagging along and murdering everyone Henry so
much as waves to. Henry begins to seriously
consider having a stern conversation with Walter
as soon as they get home.
Heather. They both got the watercress, but she
didn't have to pay for it.
Having a five-letter name containing the letters
H, R and Y
Harry Vs. Henry
basically trying to speed things up, here.
A dinner for two with a prospective suitor
James Vs. Heather
takes some Alka-Seltzer before setting off, thus
preventing the demon seed from infecting the
world like last time. Her date - let's call him
Ezekiel - is kept waiting for half an hour while
Heather attempts to decypher her table number
from the devious riddle posted at the front
entrance, but she eventually tracks him down and
the date proper begins. However, Ezekiel soon
finds that she diverts almost every topic of
conversation onto the subject of her father, and
how much of a great guy he is. While Heather is
talking about how important it is to have an
understanding father around when you're being
pounced on by zombie dogs all day, Ezekiel
testily snaps that perhaps she should go on
dinner dates with her father if he's so great.
Heather considers this thoughtfully, and Ezekiel
is extremely disturbed.
meanwhile, has a great time with an extremely
attractive young lady. James can't believe how
many things he and the girl have in common, and
the genuine interest she shows in him and his
turgid life. However, when she suggests they head
back to her place to check out her windchime
collection, he realises that he is actually
sitting in the burnt remains of an abandoned
restaurant, sharing a bottle of methylated
spirits with a homeless man, and everything was
merely a stress-induced delusion. He makes his
excuses and leaves, after grudgingly giving a
fake phone number to the homeless man.
Well, this adventure got us precisely nowhere, so
it's time for the tie breaker round. In this
event, all four Silent Hill protagonists engage
in a battle royale to the last man standing.
rules are simple. Each combatant is armed with
the shitty default melee weapon they started
their respective games with, and all of them are
seeing each other as evil monsters, so no
allegiances can be formed. The fight goes on
until all but one individual is incapacitated in
any way shape or form, be that death, serious
injury or threatening to go home and call their
big brothers.
weapon: Kitchen knife. Michael Myers'
weapon of choice does Harry no favours in the
streets of Silent Hill, it being only slightly
more effective than blowing a party squeaker in a
monster's face.
weapon: Board with nails in. At the
start of Silent Hill 2, James is cornered by a
monster but is able to pull off a nearby fence
post to defend himself with. The board still had
some nails on the end. This was a stroke of good
luck. Those nails could very easily have been in
the middle of the board, or even on the end he
was holding, which would not have been pleasant
to wield.
weapon: Switchblade. She has the benefit
of being armed with the only weapon that isn't
improvised from something not intended to be a
weapon. While the people who designed Harry's
kitchen knife were only considering the ease with
which it would pass through cheesecake, Heather's
weapon was streamlined for maximum convenient
jugular slicing.
weapon: Wine bottle. At the beginning of
his game, Henry's fridge contains nothing but a
wine bottle and some chocolate milk. The reasons
for this are unclear. Personally, I think he was
trying to encourage them to breed and create an
all-powerful new strain of chocolate wine that
would make him millions. This plan is swiftly
abandoned when the wine bottle proves good for
breaking in half and sticking in people's faces,
and the chocolate milk becomes necessary for
winning the favour of difficult children.
arena is a hospital rooftop, since this is pretty
much neutral ground for all four participants.
So, who wins? You decide!
you think Harry should win, turn to page 87
If you think James should win, turn to page 4
If you think Heather should win, turn to page 101
If you think Henry should win, turn to page 16
If you're sick of this whole stupid business,
turn to page 300
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