poem I'm going to look at today is a sort of
half-riddle, a popular well-known English one
that everyone knows the answer to. For all you
foreigners, this is the poem from Die Hard with a
I was going to St. Ives
I met a man with seven wives
The seven wives had seven sacks
The seven sacks had seven cats
The seven cats had seven kits
Kits, cats, sacks and wives
How many going to St. Ives?"
answer is, of course, one, as the bloke with all
the wives was not going to St. Ives, he was
coming from it. But let's examine this poem in
detail. First of all, we have a man with seven
wives. Little bit dodgy. But for all we know he
could be a Mormon, member of the thriving Mormon
community in St. Ives, Cornwall. So let's not
stand judgment on him just because he likes a lot
on the side.
line. The seven wives had seven sacks. This
doesn't mean that there was one sack each, oh no.
This means each wife is carrying seven of these
sacks. No mention of these wives being hot air
balloons, so they can't be ballast. So the
question remains: why is each wife carrying seven
sacks? If it's for the purpose of carrying stuff,
why not just one big sack to heft over the
shoulder? Or maybe a little cart running behind
them? It's asking a bit much to ask each one of
your concubines to drag along seven brown hessian
bags. You usually get an earful for making the
wife carry two shopping bags.
on, the poem examines the contents of these
sacks. The answer: cats. Each of these sacks is
carrying seven cats. Correct me if I'm wrong, but
aren't the PETA and the RSPCA trying to put a
stop to this sort of thing? Cats are gregarious
up to a point, but the point does not extend to
being tied up in pitch darkness with six of their
fellows. These will not happy cats be. And
unhappy cats tend to transmute very rapidly into
violent cats. So each one of these sacks is
probably wriggling like I don't know what. Let's
do some maths here. Seven cats x seven sacks:
Each wife owns FORTY-NINE CATS! With seven wives,
this brings the total of cats to a staggering
force to be reckoned with.
no! These sacks are not full yet! It's bad enough
that seven cats are being forced to coexist in a
rather small bag, they had to bring the family
too! Each cat is nursing a litter of seven
kittens, so as well as the adult cats each sack
contains forty-nine little ones, all of whom are
probably learning to fight very quickly. So we
now know something else - every single one of the
343 adult cats are females who have recently
given birth. Ah, I think a picture is forming.
Obviously this chap owns a cat farm, and was
taking his female cats to another cat farm in St.
Ives, in this case, a cat stud farm. But this
doesn't explain the sacks. Nor why each cat had
exactly the same number of kittens. The
suspension of disbelief is being stretched so
hard the elastic's showing.
more maths - we have forty-nine kittens and seven
adult cats. If we count a kitten as half an adult
cat, each sack now contains THIRTY-ONE AND A HALF
cats. This is one sack, remember. Each wife has
seven of these. So now each wife is staggering
under the weight of a whopping 220.5 cats! If we
say each cat weighs about four kilograms, which
would make them rather scrawny, that makes 882kg
being carried by one wife! That's nearly a metric
tonne! And this Mormon bloke isn't carrying a
damn thing!
total amount of cats in this party comes to a
rather mind-blowing 1543.5. So we have over
one-and-a-half thousand cats, screeching and
mewing and scratching and biting and struggling
and shitting all over each other. We have the
wives incessantly moaning about their wearing
these painfully mobile sacks like so many
saddlebags. I think I can understand why the
narrator of this tale felt moved to write a
little poem. Here, then, is my new, revised
version of the St. Ives poem.
I was going to St. Ives
I met a Mormon cat farmer with seven wives
The seven wives were crawling around on the floor
under the weight of seven sacks each
The forty-nine sacks were wobbling and making
rather distressing screeching noises, there being
seven cats within each of them
The 343 cats were engaged in several fights to
the death, spilling huge quantities of kittens
all over the place
Then this Mormon cat farmer took me aside and
'Look, do you think you could take some of these
bloody cats off my hands? They're driving me up
the wall.'
Whereupon I gave him a thick ear, set fire to the
wives and threw the sacks in the river, because I
don't appreciate this sort of thing complicating
my holidays.
Then I went down the beach and had a paddle.
Singing to-ra-li etc."
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