you see that recent flick, Hollow Man? Good
effects but the dialogue was crap. Kevin Bacon is
a hot shot scientist who, together with his hot
shot scientist mates, turns himself invisible,
but then finds that he can't turn himself back.
So he goes insane and decides to kill all his
mates, blow up the lab and ride off into the
sunset on a very confused horse.
a tosser!
guy didn't even begin to explore the rich new
dimension of experience available to invisible
people. All he did was feel up a few chicks and
murder a few people. If I was invisible I'd give
the finger to everyone who knew and go off and
start enjoying life. He should've taken a leaf
from Chevy Chase's book.
Feeling up chicks
above and perhaps the most obvious one, being
invisible means you can immerse yourself in a
crowd and start clasping boobs and buttocks, then
leap aside and laugh as some poor chap gets a
clip round the ear. Laugh quietly obviously. And
changing rooms! You can sneak into changing rooms
and sit right there in the middle of the place
while pretty girls get wet and take all their
clothes off. You could go and hide in the showers
themselves, but since the water on your body
wouldn't be invisible you'd have to rely on them
not noticing a semi-transparent man appear in the
corner. You could pretend to be a novelty glass
statue, but you wouldn't be able to explain the
developing glass stiffy. This all only applies to
men, however. Women wouldn't want to hide in
men's changing rooms because women are MUCH MORE
Scare people
this'd be a riot. Kevin Bacon (or whatever the
character's name was - I'd imagine his friends
would call him that as a friendly jibe because he
bears an uncanny resemblance to Kevin Bacon)
began exploring this in Hollow Man. Knock on
someone's door, wait for them to answer, then
quietly sneak in. Then just go WILD! Throw things
around! Open and close windows! Write scary
phrases on walls in lipstick! Personally I would
wait for someone to get undressed then go
'PHWOAARRR' in a lusty voice. 'Course there's
always the risk they'll call an exorcist in. If
they do, just pretend to be the previous tenant
of the building whose body is holed up in one of
the wall partitions. While police are tearing the
place apart, sneak off. Laugh, laugh, laugh.
Running around nekkid
the sheer unbridled joy of running around in your
bare scuddies, your undercarriage swinging wild
and free, free from persecution and an outmoded
society that still holds the stuffy old Victorian
opinion that going shopping in your birthday suit
is somehow wrong. In fact, those are the exact
words I used to my arresting officer. But did
this sway him? Did it bollocks. They fined me the
exact amount of money I had been saving up to buy
a trenchcoat extension. Bastards! I suppose I'm
just before my time. But yes, apparently being
invisible is the only way you can enjoy life
unhindered by clothing in this day and age.
Fascist gits. Of course, life being what it is,
you can just bet that whatever ungodly process
has transported you to an alternate visual
dimension will wear off just as you're doing the
can-can in the middle of a children's playground.
It took some explaining, believe me. I've said
too much.
Everything's free
course, it's not actually written down in black
and white that invisible people don't have to pay
for anything. But they might as well. Who's going
to stop you? You could go to all the latest
musicals on Broadway and not have to fork out a
single bean. You could grab as much stuff as you
can carry from a shop and sneak out, earning
nothing more than a startled look from the
shopkeeper. Disadvantage: if you do sneak into
theatres and stuff people are going to think your
seat is empty and sit on you, and since you're
completely nekkid they'll probably end up sitting
on certain gender-specific sensitive body bits.
Ouch. Oh, and don't eat anything you steal while
in public, as the sight of a stomach-shaped lump
of partially digested goo floating around isn't
going to be welcome at respectable parties.
in a women's shower means you have to go
unnoticed elsewhere, too. Can't flag down a taxi
when you're invisible, you'd lose an arm. Can't
cross the road and rely on cars to slow down as
you do. You could be flying over bonnets and
being crushed under tyres and no-one would know,
thinking your agonized whimpering was coming from
the Ghost of Highway 12 or whatever. I bet having
sex with a visible woman would be an immensely
popular spectator sport. And you don't want
people gawking at you while you're giving it all
you've got. I'm suddenly reminded of that old
Wonder Woman joke.
Urinating difficulty
bodily fluids are invisible too, remember. So
pissing would become a whole new adventure. (a)
you can't see the pee so you can't see where it's
going and where someone will have to clean up,
(b) you can't see your winky so you can't aim
with it, and (c) you can't see your hands, so
you'll just end up pissing all over them, too.
Again this doesn't really apply to women, but
invisible men will probably have to use a
catheter system. But even then you wouldn't be
able to tell when the bag was full.
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