the ever-expanding lump of petrified chewing gum
affixed to the seat of my trousers is suggestive
of anything, it's that I rely on public transport
quite a lot these days. Oh sure, I could get a
car, but sadly I haven't caught any leprechauns
lately and as such do not possess the required
huge pot o' gold or cash equivalent one needs to
buy and maintain a vehicle.
I ride the bus a lot, because you could ride the
bus right across the city every fucking day for
the rest of your life and it still would not cost
as much as a brand new SUV. You have to take the
rough with the smooth, of course. Buses only
drive around where they want and when they want,
and you generally just have to hope your
interests coincide at some point. There's always
the risk of weirdoes, and being stared at
balefully by old ladies for an entire trip, only
after which you realise that you were supposed to
give up your seat for them. And of course, you
have to hail them.
I'm a socially awkward young man constantly
afraid of being judged by everyone in the world,
and so I wonder what the bus driver thinks when I
hold out a hand to flag him down. Does he think
"Ah, another young soul to join the happy
bus party" with a smile on his lips, or does
he think "How dare this tall drink of water
have the audacity to sully my lovely bus with his
obnoxious presence! He'd better not still be
around when we reach the end of the line or I'm
going to fucking piss in his ear!"
that line of thinking, I found myself wondering
if the arrangement of your hand while hailing the
bus affects his opinion of you. And so, I
resolved to write a breakdown of all the
different hand gestures to use when hailing a
bus, and try to figure out which one is the best.

The Flat Spank
The Flat Spank is the hand
held rigidly out with all the fingers
together, in a display of efficient
neatness that will give the driver the
impression that he is about to welcome
aboard a fine upstanding young fellow who
likes things to be tidy. Or,
alternatively, Hitler. A hand held out
like this does look unsettlingly like a
Nazi salute and if you unwittingly
combine it with sticking a finger under
your nose to check if you washed your
hands properly in the toilet, you
probably shouldn't be surprised if the
bus steers towards you with intent of
The Plymouth Point
A single extended finger
seems like an appropriate enough hail,
but under examination it seems a little
condescending. If you don't raise it up
high enough it's like you're saying
"Hey, you have to pull the bus up
right HERE, remember? I know it's tricky
but not everyone gets it the first time,
I'm sure you'll try your best". But
of course if you hold it up too high you
start to look a bit over enthusiastic,
like the teacher's pet going "OOH ME
GOOD". It's best to go for the
middleground and point somewhere
diagonally upwards, like you're drawing
attention to an interesting cloud shaped
like Pontius Pilate.


The Hitcher
This is a hail for the
fantasist. Perhaps the hailer spent their
youth hitch-hiking across America,
experiencing a series of fantastic
adventures with an ageing hippy and an
orang-outang as they quested to reach
Washington before an evil county sheriff
in order to declare his love to Mary-Lou
herself at the big national dance
contest. Perhaps sticking out a thumb
like this and getting the bus to stop
brings back cherished memories of finally
getting a ride from a pig truck on some
moonlit country road. Then getting raped
by a pig.
The Non-Committal
The hail of choice for
most people who don't like drawing
attention to themselves. With the fingers
half-curled the hailer communicates that
he's caught somewhere between hailing and
not hailing, so if the bus driver could
stop that would be cool, but if he
doesn't that's cool too. You have to
remember not to curl the fingers too
much, because at some point it becomes
the universally accepted sign for
"This is my arsehole! It likes gay
sex!" which a bus driver may find at
best unappealing and at worst the


It seems there are a lot
of things that could go wrong with
Brenda. The driver may think you strange
for putting lipstick and permanent marker
on your hand, and for flexing your thumb
around to create the illusion of speech
while affecting a squeaky voice. But even
if he was offended by you hailing the bus
in this way, you could attempt to
distance yourself from your actions by
maintaining the illusion that Brenda is
in control of your body. You'll have to
ask for your ticket through Brenda,
taking it in her toothless mouth. Perhaps
engage the driver in squeaky conversation
until, embarrassed, he asks you to move
on. Then maybe as you go to take your
seat, hastily plead to him for help while
Brenda isn't looking. This is rather an
elaborate way to avoid social awkwardness
when getting on the bus I'll be the first
to admit, but it's somewhat amusing, and
you might even get out of paying for your
ticket if you creep him out enough.
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