article is not going to address exclusively why
it would kick arse to be Threepy. A lot of stuff
you're about to read (assuming you don't get
bored and bugger off early) could apply to any
adventure game character. Just wanted to point
that out before anyone pointed that out for me.
So here we go.
Split personality
must be interesting being an adventure game
character. For occasional short bursts you can
say what you want to say and control your own
destiny, but when you find yourself on a quest
you suddenly undergo total paralysis and can only
do things when some voice in the sky tells you
to. This deranged puppet master could make you
walk over a cliff or stick your fingers in an
electrical socket, but on the bright side, when
its guidance ends with you finding the treasure
or saving the world you get all the credit and
the weird voice disappears until the sequel.
Sometimes having someone do all the thinking for
you can be quite beneficial.
Eternal youth
analyze the Brush-man's appearance over the
games. Monkey 1: Impressionable youth. Coiled-up
pony tail. Short sleeves. Couldn't be older than
19. Monkey 2: Adventurous swashbuckler. Pony tail
waving wild and free. Big blue coat. According to
his library ID, 21. Believable. Monkey 3: No more
coat. Couldn't be more than 19 again. Allegedly
21 according to guild card. Monkey 4: Several
costumes. Fresh-faced complexion of a
seventeen-year-old. How the Hell did he pull that
off?! Guybrush Threepwood's age peaked in Monkey
2 and he's been getting younger ever since. My
personal theory is that the evil spell LeChuck
cast over him at the end of MI2 had more
complications than we thought. Or it could just
be a misguided attempt by LucasArts to return our
hero to his original, innocent demeanour.
Bastards. At least he's never had acne.
Bottomless pockets
only slightly hinted at for the purpose of jokes
but being able to pack unlimited amounts of junk
in your pockets could probably qualify as a
superpower. I mean, in Monkey 1 Woody is stuffing
shovels, three-foot-long Monkey head keys,
massive slabs of stewed meat and heavy golden
idols into his trouser pockets or down the front
of his shirt. In Monkey 2 it's a bit more
believable since he has a big coat, but he still
manages to fit fully-grown dogs and pianists in
there. That'd be great! You could walk into a
museum, load yourself down with the entire stock
and walk out, whistling jauntily, as everyone
will be looking for people with big sacks, or who
are at least walking funny. Or, if someone's
trying to kill you (something that happens to
Guybrush quite a lot), you could just crawl
inside your own trousers and wait for the heat to
be off. A whole new irony is added to the term
'travelling light'.
know the pedantic will correct me on this one,
but it's a well-known fact that Guybrush cannot
die. He can also, although this is less obvious,
not be harmed. He's falling huge distances, being
socked in the jaw and being fired out of cannons
left, right and centre, but he still just gets up
and delivers a one-liner. This would add an extra
degree of excitement to the aforementioned museum
heist. Cornered on the roof by security? Jump
off! Land on your head if you like! You'll still
survive. You might crack the pavement a bit, but
hey, it's not your pavement. And why is Guybrush
Threepwood indestructible? Well, we don't really
know what he was up to before he washed up on
Melee Island. My guess is that he had a close
encounter with a tanker carrying radioactive
materials. Or wearing a suit of armour under his
skin. I'm an idiot.
Fruity hairdo
pirates can have long hair and still look mean.
Guybrush is not one of those pirates. It's bad
enough he's let his hair grow to "boy or
girl?" length, he's got to tie it up into a
pony tail like one of those poncy yuppies. What
he wants to do is let it down, die it black, go
insane with one of those steam curlers, then
breed lice on a comb for a few months and give
your scalp a thorough going-over. Then you can
work on the beard. Loser.
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