almost didn't write this article 'cos I was
worried the topic would be too obscure. I mean,
not everyone who reads these things play many
computer games, and even if they do, they still
might not have played Thief or Thief 2. But then
I thought, well, maybe I can take this
opportunity to educate people in one of my
favouritest games in the whole wide world. So
the uninitiated, Thief, by Looking Glass Studios
and Eidos Interactive, now available on budget
label, is a first-person game where you play a
master thief called Garrett sneaking around
places he's not supposed to be pinching stuff he
shouldn't. For the initiated, I apologise for my
patronizing manner.
here we go.
Being unseen
let's start with the obvious one. You know when
you're sitting up somewhere discreet and you can
see some people talking and hear their private
conversation, but they don't know you're there
and can't see you from your hidey spot? Isn't
that one of the best positions to be in in the
world? Maybe I'm just a voyeur but I get a
tremendous feeling of power from that. Well,
that's Garrett's world in a nutshell! Whether it
be a guard complaining about how no-one's come to
bring him his dinner or a couple of rich nobles
discussing how best to tax the downtrodden, all
you need is a nice dark corner and some time to
enjoy other people's dirty secrets as they drift
over. You can even be unseen if you're in a
shadow but silhouetted against something, which
is a bit weird, but hey, I'm not complaining.
Inducing honesty
this one particular guard in Thief whom you cross
paths with occasionally who has a really loud and
brash voice, which for some reason he uses to
broadcast every slightest thought that crosses
his mind. Flick briefly into his field of vision
and he'll shout "THOUGHT I SAW
SOMETHING!!!". Then leave him for a few
seconds and he'll bellow "GUESS IT WAS
NOTHING!!!!" and continue on his merry
whistling, humming and talking-to-himself way.
Other guards aren't any better. Make a noise and
they're all talking out loud about how there'd
better not be someone behind them and how no-one
would be stupid enough to break in here. Either
all the guards have their brains linked directly
to their vocal chords, or this is one of
Garrett's strange powers - to make people speak
their innermost thoughts out loud when in his
presence. I like to think it's the latter. Then I
like to imagine what would happen if a couple
were having a dinner date in a nice restaurant
and Garrett was sitting at the next table.
My, you have very small and unsatisfying breasts.
I don't think I would want to see you naked
anytime soon.
That's OK. At least that way you'll never find
out that I have a penis.
Handy with a blackjack
blackjack is one of the most important utensils
in the Thief arsenal. You're discouraged from
killing people, you see, as they might have wives
or children or little puppies at home wondering
why no-one comes by to feed them anymore. They
don't say anything about not biffing people into
unconsciousness and stowing their prone bodies
away in a cupboard, though! Yes, with a simple
biff you've got a guard out of your way for the
evening and don't have to worry about poor little
Yorkie pathetically licking at his empty food
dish one week from now. The funny thing about
Garrett, though, is that as long as the guard is
facing away from you and doesn't suspect that
you're there it doesn't seem to matter where you
hit him. I've seen guards go down from biffs to
the top of the head, back of the neck, either
shoulder, the small of the back, the arse, the
arms, the legs, the empty air where the guard was
standing a second ago... either Garrett has a
very in-depth knowledge of pressure points or
certain programmers are a bit lazy.
Load/save ability
know I'm reaching a bit here but I want to
include this in some article at some point. In
Thief, or in practically any game for that
matter, as soon as you make a mistake you can
just reload your last save and try again. Now,
imagine with me for a second. What if a person
could have that ability in real life? What if I
could press a little button in the palm of my
left hand to save my current position, and press
another button in my right hand to restore? I
would be IN-FECKIN'-VINCIBLE! It could really
help if I was a vigilante crime fighter. I could
save the night before a crime, find out where the
crime took place, restore, and stop those
evildoers! I could save as I fill in my lottery
ticket, restore after watching the lottery
results, and win millions of pounds! Whenever I
have a conversation with someone I could save,
then when I think of something really clever I
should have said at the time, I could restore and
wow everyone with my quick wit! Actually the
first thing I'd do is apply for The Weakest Link.
ROBINSON: Now then, you pathetic little
bespectacled loser, what substance is also known
as H2SO4?
Don't know.
ROBINSON: Sulphuric acid, you ignorant little
(murders Anne Robinson, then restores)
ROBINSON: Now then, you pathetic little
bespectacled loser, what substance i-
Sulphuric acid.
FEMALE CONTESTANT: Make love to me, you brilliant
young thing!
Over-zealous guards
don't know what it is about Garrett, but a lot of
the guards I meet seem quite restrained when they
only suspect I'm there. They say things like
"Come on out here, son!" or "Show
yourself! I won't hurt you!" then they see
you properly and sometimes they say "Stay
exactly where you are!" and even if you do
that they run up to you screaming like a banshee
and start bashing you over the head with a sword.
Maybe it's just 'cos they suddenly notice that
Garrett is carrying an arsenal of weapons and
arrows, or maybe they want to get some excitement
out of the job. I'm pretty sure Garrett could be
entitled to sue if he wasn't left dead and
bleeding on the floor in several bits.
Money troubles
so you spend a whole level sneaking cheekily
about someone's expensive mansion slipping gold
candlesticks, expensive goblets and the shirt off
their back into a big sack with 'SWAG' written
along the side. Then before the next level you
get to go to Mr. Taffer's Essential Thief
Accessories Catalogue Shop and buy fancy arrows
and tips and mines and stuff. Thing is, though,
you have to spend all the money you stole in the
last level, as you can't carry any left over to
the next level or anything. Now, it seems to me
that Garrett puts all the money he steals back
into thieving! I call that a non-profit-making
enterprise! He's in a rut. He spends all the
money he gets from ransacking houses buying thief
tools so he can ransack houses so he can buy
thief tools so he can ransack houses. Maybe he
should pack it all in and get an honest job
instead. Garrett the Bank Clerk? Garrett the
Shoemaker? Or even Garrett the Guard?
Look at this scar. Know how I got that? Some
thief weirdo broke in here a few months back,
snuck up behind me, and hit me on the knee with a
Oh yeah. Sorry, I was a bit pissed that night.
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