come on, do I really have to give reasons? Surely
everyone at some point has wished that they could
put knives on their hand and slaughter shallow
American teenagers for little or no reason? No?
Suit yourself.
1: The afore-mentioned knives
obviously they're great for playing the title
role in a bloody evening of murderous fun, but
having blades on your hand also has a great many
practical uses about the home. Most notably in
the areas of cookery and gardening, but if you
want to squeeze some pus from a few of your
gaping sores then this way you don't get cack all
over your hands. Thing is, you have to remember
not to thump your chest during a particularly
passionate speech, as you'll end up in hospital
with a punctured cardiac muscle. The added
embarrassment of this is that concerned hospital
staff may put you on the waiting list for a skin
graft while you're under anaesthetic.
2: Scaring the bejeesus out of people
links on from that last bit. Scaring people is
always a guaranteed laugh and a half. Nothing
says 'pray' like a face full of weepy sores and a
tendency to stare at people while grinning
unsettlingly. People with skin grafts just don't
cut it. Of course, if you were undergoing a skin
graft there'd be the unforeseen worry of
precisely where the boffins would actually graft
skin from, but then we've never seen Freddy's
arse, have we? Or his winkie, for that matter.
And I suppose we should thank heaven for small
mercies. I don't know why, but it's always been
clear to me that Freddy Krueger is one of those
disgruntled fellas with a very small winkie. But
back to the subject of scaring people, it's
always pleasurable (some might say 'orgasmic') to
make self-satisfied teenage bimbos cry. I'd wipe
the smiles off their smug little faces. Quite
3: That jumper
yeah. Dig that sweater, baby. Red and green
should never be seen? Pah! Say that to a guy
who's plucking your kidneys from their designated
positions. Surely a major perk of being a mad
psycho supernatural murderer has to be the
wherewithal to wear whatever the hell you like
without being patronized by camp young men
strutting up and down in pink suits. Of course, a
woolly jumper would probably chafe merrily
against third-degree burns, but for me this is
mitigated by the fact that you can stand in front
of the coloured liquorice stand in a sweet shop
and be rendered completely unseen. They didn't
show the jumper much in Wes Craven's New
Nightmare. He wore that big black coat too much,
if you ask me. Justice to the jumper! Too many
murderers wear big black coats, more murderers
who wear jumpers please!
4: That hat
as important as that jumper but still a pretty
snazzy article of clothing, Freddy's infamous hat
contrasted beautifully with his jumper. Surely
the whole point of the hat was that he didn't
wear a big black coat as well, which are quite
frankly made for this sort of hat. Freddy was
instantly recognisable because he wore a hat
which demanded big coat but went big-coat-less.
This effect was spoilt somewhat in New Nightmare
when the K-man was seen wearing both hat and big
coat, but he lost the hat in one of his early
scenes and it was never seen again. Last seen in
that bitch woman's bedroom.
5: Job satisfaction
get the opportunity to stuff the gonads of some
high-school twat down the throat of that very
same high-school twat, and you get to make corny
one-liners which, surely, no-one's ever going to
hear except you and people who'll be dead in
seconds, who don't count. Throw in a pension plan
and you need never frown again! Of course,
there's the occasional hiccup when some of the
very kids you're supposed to be tormenting defeat
you, or at least appear to do so. When that
happens, you just need to console yourself that
everyone from the last film snuffs it in the next
sequel. Score!
6: The ability to give even the most
mundane phrases a fearsome ring by the simple
addition of the word 'bitch'
Kipling makes exceedingly good cakes,
1: Omnipotence
I hear you cry. Why wasn't this in the other
list? OK it makes life easier, but frankly when
compared to the knives, the hat, the 'bitch', and
of course the jumper, it just doesn't measure up.
OK, so you can do absolutely anything. OK, so you
set all the ground rules and you hold all the
cards. But doesn't this sort of take the
challenge out of life? Doesn't it take the
excitement out of the kill and the chase? Of
course, the fact that you'll never see the below
exchange in any of his films is testament to the
fact that he's got an admirable sense of
in a deckchair. Enter horde of teenagers)
We've got holy water and crucifixes and can-do
spirit! Surrender, demon!
waves a hand, teenagers instantly disentegrate)
Oh, god, I'm so BORED!
2: Life of Freddy
if you want to be Freddy you obviously can't be
an undead dream spirit straight away. You'd have
to be alive for a little while beforehand. Yes,
you'd have to live for forty-odd years as a puny,
fallible, silly little mortal. You've got to live
through whatever made Freddy want to grow up to
be a child murderer (which can't have been fun),
then there's the passing distraction of murdering
children for a short while, and then of course
there's your horrible fiery death at the hands of
disgruntled parents. Ah well, the bit after that
makes up for everything.
3: Having a very small winkie
let's stop there, I'm getting rather disturbing
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