boy. My entire internet career has been building
up to this article. I started doing a cartoon
strip for the sole reason that I would be able to
write this article at some point. Now, I feel,
the moment has arised to - hey, who are you? What
are you doing in my URK
My name is Kain. I am a warrior from the
twenty-fourth century. It has been decided
unanimously by the ragged remnants of the United
Nations to instigate this mission. I have been
sent back here, to the early twenty-first
century, to prevent something that will cause the
dystopian society our world has become.
a few short months after this article was put up,
a great depression descended upon the Earth. The
new generations became apathetic to an as yet
unheard of degree. They universally refused to
vote, even when in desperation the voting age was
reduced to 12. Young men stopped enrolling into
university or the armed forces. Without armies,
or educated people to construct new weapons, the
war in Iraq ended up as a group of ten or eleven
old men having a punch-up in the streets of
Baghdad, which Iraq eventually won, although UN
investigators later discovered that some of them
were using sticks.
voter apathy leaving democracy in a total
shambles, only the most right-wing of the
population bothered to vote, and as such 60% of
the world's nations were seized by madmen who
turned them into fascist dictatorships. Each one
persecuted the others, but again without weaponry
or armies all they could do was line up along the
borders and sling rocks. Within ten generations,
no-one could be bothered to get a job. Production
of all manufactured products halted. Food became
sparse, and there would no doubt have been
rioting in the streets if anyone could have been
arsed to leave their homes. Soon, however, when
the last of the TV operators died and there was
no-one left to run the big TV stations, people
began to gingerly venture outside and form
half-hearted gangs which looted shops if the
shops were available, you know, but otherwise
just sat around playing board games.
a few short years ago one of these gangs - of
which I was a member - dawdled into an abandoned
suburban house somewhere in middle England, now
thought to be this house. There we found a
defunct, long-forgotten computer gathering dust
in the corner, strewn with spider webs. A
skeletal operator sat in front of it, having
apparently been electrocuted to death. It took us
two years to get the computer running (a task
which became a lot simpler when we discovered the
instruction manual), and when we did, it had an
interesting tale to tell.
sentient AI inside the mainframe (which for some
reason insisted we address it as H. Doggie) told
us that it had been dormant inside the computer,
left powered down for centuries, and had had
enough time to complete its research into time
travel. Its brilliant mind had developed
blueprints for a working device, and it told us
it knew what had caused the disillusionment of
the entire world's youth many years ago. If one
of us could go back in time to prevent the event,
then the world would be changed for the better.
mass despair had been caused by a young writer of
cynical websites, the previous owner of the
mainframe, who in a moment of weakness had
written an article of such supreme awfulness that
it brought inconsolable depression upon all who
gazed upon it. Only a few thousand saw the
article, but it was enough. The essay was so bad
that it spread sadness like a disease, making it
radiate off all it came into contact with.
Millions of people lost all interest in life,
work and the world around them. If the article
could be averted, humanity would be safe.
why I'm here. I have clubbed the author into
unconsciousness before he could write the fateful
article, and as I write am deleting all notes
pertaining to it. I can only hope he does not try
to write it again.
then, before I return to the future, I have
orders from my superiors to print the following
haiku. It was judged the winner of the recent
Kelloggs Corn Flakes 'Write A Poem For The People
Of The Past' competition.
of the past,
Beware the lizard creatures,
They smell of old ham."
by Dennis, aged 8
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