Comes first alphabetically
Good for opera houses
Lower population density
Hotter chicks
Favourable pound to dollar exchange rate
Swimming pools
Less rain
Stars on flag
Descended from penal colony
Nice colourful money
About as far away as it is possible to be from
Wembley Stadium
Lots of sheep
Winters that don't freeze the bollocks off a
brass monkey
Place where Captain Cook got stabbed to death
Amusing place names
Isn't constantly badgered into joining the single
European currency
Not the origin of Spandau Ballet
The word 'Bonza'
Peter Jackson
Government not greedily suckling American penis
Steve Irwin
Venomous snakes which will probably, at some
point, be Steve Irwin's cause of death
Origin point of beer
Wide open spaces
Rolf Harris
People with large sticks who will probably, at
some point, be Rolf Harris's cause of death
That skinny bloke from Breaker Morant
- I
can't think of any more
So I'll fill up more space with a little poem
There once was a man from China
Who loved to wear lots of eyeliner
He took a cold bath
In it, for a laugh
And found he had grown a vagina
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