then. A little history.
time ago (quite a long time ago, in fact) I was
regularly posting chapters on my website of my
first 'proper' novel, Articulate Jim: A Search
for Something. But I stopped after chapter nine,
as I was hoping to get it published, and left the
story hanging.
having failed to get anyone interested in it, I
have had me a revelation ("This should be
good," I hear you mutter). Why the hell am I
trying to get a novel published? I'm twenty
buggering years old, that's what some people
would consider getting a little ahead of myself.
I've noticed I get better at writing as I get
older, so it makes more sense to leave
publication for later life. For now, I write for
practise, or my own amusement.
why I decided to just post the entirety of
Articulate Jim on the site. Doesn't seem to be
any point in keeping it to myself, and people
have been asking for it. So here it is, all
twenty-four chapters, fully edited and ready.
Just to clarify, this is a full length novel,
over 120,000 words, and you shouldn't really
expect to get through it in one session without
some kind of miraculous time-slowing device.
that's over with, click here to read!
alternatively, click here to download the MS Word
document (zipped up).
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