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10/7/08: You Changed It Now It Sucks

The review of Lego Indiana Jones this week also brings with it a new, original theme tune and intro sequence. And so, as reliably as the tides, there has been a lot of hostility towards it. Most of it I'm putting down to the human instinct to be opposed to sudden changes in routine and status quo. I'd like to point out that if the reviews had had original music and an intro like that from the very beginning no-one would have cared. I'd also like to point out that I kind of thought everyone was here for the video game criticism, which is unchanged.

Firstly, no, this wasn't because of pressure from the Escapist. It was my idea to spruce up the videos and make them look a bit more professional, because otherwise it reflects poorly on me. Extreme paranoia concerning copyright infringement may also have played a part and I wanted to err on the side of caution.

The new intro might be a bit PEPSI MAX for you but frankly I like it. It gets me pumped. And for the music I asked for something awesome with squealy guitars because I'm extremely white and therefore into classic rock. Give it a few weeks, I'm sure it'll grow on everyone.


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Previously on Fully Ramblomatic...

3/7/08: Fun With Webcomics

Just to prove that I am never one to discount pettiness and passive-aggressiveness from my many, many flaws, I devoted this week's video to ragging on irritating popular trends in gaming-themed webcomics. The problems are so endemic that I felt no need to name any actual names, so as I say at the end, if you happen to think I might be referring to any specific comic, that says more about your own feelings about it than mine.

Just a reminder: I'm doing the Melbourne thing again next week at ACMI, on July 10th, in a much larger venue this time to appease everyone who couldn't get in last time. I'll be there talking with renowned video game blogger Jason Hill again, basically on anything that comes to mind about gaming, game culture and ice cream. Possibly not so much that last one. Tickets are available on the day from 10am, no pre-bookings, dipshits please stay at home.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention last week, ZP and Escapist T-shirts are now available from Now you can go around being our walking advertising boards and become just as big a sellout as me.

UPDATE! UPDATE! AWOOGA! There's been some confusion around it but I'm fairly certain that I will be joining Yug and Matt (my AustralianGamer chums) for a live podcast from GenCon in Brisbane, this Saturday at 11am. It's at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre in case you weren't aware.


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Previously on Fully Ramblomatic...

26/6/08: Metal Beer Solid

Yeah, yeah, reviewed MGS4 this week. Now stop reading if you haven't played it because I'm going to spoil some shit. It's the same colour as the background so highlight it or copy paste it into notepad and frame it on your wall or something.

So at the end of Metal Gear Solid 2 boy-fag usurper Raiden hooks up with his pregnant shrew bitch of a fiancee and goes off into the sunset, but in MGS4 it seems she had a little baby booboo and miscarried the whelp, whereupon the pasty twat of a father-to-be got all depressed and buggered off to travel the world becoming a cyborg ninja badass. He saves Snake from a few close encounters and generally acts like a broody psychotic. Meanwhile his ex has married old Colonel Campbell to hop up and down on dried out military dick. Anyway, Raiden shows up towards the end of the game to save Snake again and apparently gets crushed to death, poignantly thinking of the first time he met his wife.

At this point, I was almost impressed. I'm cynical enough to relish the schadenfreude when the happily ever after goes balls-up. Raiden suddenly seemed like much less of a universally hateful pussy. And Mrs. Raiden shacking up with the Colonel in response to Raiden's abandonment was good characterisation; it's the kind of thing you'd expect actual human beings to do.

But then!

Otacon mentions in passing after Raiden's poignant death scene that, oh, guess he didn't die after all and he's had a few glasses of milk and is ready for more action. He shows up again at the end of the last mission with both his arms chopped off and with power over lightning for no adequately explained reason. He's become a hideous, cold, cyborgified demon. Fair enough, I thought, kind of makes that whole poignant death sequence moot but whatever. He gets stabbed up a whole bunch by enemy soldiers.

But then!

At the very end of the game, in a tacked-on epilogue sequence, Raiden shows up in a hospital bed. Totally de-cyborgified with two nice healthy pink arms glued back on. And then his ex-wife shows up and tells him the full story. Apparently she and the Colonel were only PRETENDING to be married in order to defer suspicion from the Patriots! And she couldn't tell him this earlier because the PATRIOTS would have found out! Also her child was actually born healthy but she couldn't tell him that either because the kid had to be hidden from the PATRIOTS for some reason! Also his house didn't actually burn down and his dog didn't die, it was all the PATRIOTS! It was all because of the PATRIOTS and now everyone can be happy because the PATRIOTS are gone. PATRIOTS.

I'm not even going to explain why this shit pisses me off. If you don't agree that this is all complete fucking bullshit, just give Konami all your money. You don't fucking deserve it.


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Previously on Fully Ramblomatic...

13/6/08: Are You Still Here

Oh yes, I remember; I have this site I sometimes update. Anyway, the last ZP video was Oblivion, and there wasn't one this week because I was away in NYC attending the Webby awards thingy, eating fancy meals, wearing a suit and rubbing shoulders with more interesting people than you. Only just got back today, actually, but I don't seem to feel as tired as I aisjdzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

- Yahtzee

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Previously on Fully Ramblomatic...

30/5/08: Turns Out The World Doesn't End With You

ZP this week is The World Ends With You, the latest DS Squeenix... thing. Anyway, about my next appearance at Game On, looks like I'm going to be doing it on July 10th at 6pm. Tickets will be available from 10am and we're doing it in one of the cinemas this time to fit more people in, so now you've got nothing to complain about. I'm up there with Jason again and it'll be a bit of a dialogue between us about whatever comes to mind about gaming culture. Come one, come all.

- Yahtzee

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Previously on Fully Ramblomatic...

22/5/08: Pain Filler

Painkiller this week, as we move into the less interesting part of the year.

Sunday's talk was... interesting, in some ways. I enjoyed verbally sparring with my two peers, Jason Hill of the Age and Bajo of Good Game. I sort of underestimated my own popularity, though, and the embarrassment factor came in when I realised that 99% of the audience consisted of the weird fanbase I drag around that corrupts everything it touches.

The event was run by some really very nice people who didn't deserve the mass outbreak of retardation that was visited upon them. Really, guys, I know it was frustrating that only a third of you could fit in the audience space, but what was with all the banging on the glass and yelling and generally being a bunch of titwhistles? What Soviet gulag did you grow up in where that's an appropriate way to behave? Anyway, I've been talking with the organisers and we're probably going to do another talk in June July some time in a bigger auditorium for all those poor crushed weirdoes who didn't get in, so watch this space.

- Yahtzee

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Previously on Fully Ramblomatic...

15/5/08: Grrrrand Theft Auto

Grand Theft Auto IV. And yes, it's probably only going to be downhill from here as we move into the usual summer games drought.

As I mention at the end of that review I'm contributing to a panel entitled What's A Good Game at Game On in Melbourne this Sunday. It's taking place at 2pm at the Screen Pit at ACMI. I'm flying down that morning, doing the talk, and almost immediately flying straight back in the evening, so if you want to say hi you'd better make it fast.

- Yahtzee

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Previously on Fully Ramblomatic...

8/5/08: Mailing Wall

Last week Chains of Olympus. This week a little rundown of my favourite responses to the Brawl review. Shooting fish in a barrel, perhaps, but we're starting to enter the 'not much good stuff is coming out' time of year when I get to mix it up with special features and retro reviews. So there.

I mentioned in the Brawl review that I hate it when party games make you unlock the multiplayer portion by playing the single player, and recently I fell victim to this phenomenon again when my roommate and I picked up Wario Ware: Smooth Moves on the Wii for a barbecue we were having. When we loaded it up, we discovered that not only did we have to play all the single player levels before the multiplayer was available, but also after we did start the multiplayer that you only used one controller and took it in turns. Fortunately we did come up with a way to get some hearty communal fun out of the situation, by a method I will now share with you.

You will need:

1 copy of Wario Ware: Smooth Moves
1 Wii
At least 3 friends
1 bottle of tequila (lime wedges and salt optional)

- Take it in turns to play the single player levels. In each level of Wario Ware, you have four lives to get through a sequence of unrelated microgames, with a big boss microgame at the end.

- One or two other players must announce that they are 'betting' on whoever is currently playing.

- If the current player loses the level, (s)he must take a tequila shot. If they beat the level, whoever was betting has to take one.

- If you play at the same pace we did, you'll run out of tequila at more or less the point when the multiplayer is unlocked. At this point you will all be shitfaced and therefore the most fun to play against.

Try it yourself. I guarantee you it'd be more fun than fucking Mario Kart.

- Yahtzee

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Previously on Fully Ramblomatic...

24/4/08: Smash Brothers Bawl

Smash Brothers Brawl this week, of all things; I hope you enjoy it as much as I've been enjoying the reaction.

I just noticed the other day that Chris Livingston of Concerned fame is updating a blog again, this one in preparation for (possibly) starting another Garry's Mod comic. I've always had a soft spot for old Chris, going back to his Not My Desk days, feels like he and I have a lot in common; both struggling self-effacing internet humour writers with a gaming bent and a history of menial jobs, both stopping and starting various internet projects while being remembered only for the one good thing we ever did. Anyway, his blog's a pretty fun read, especially if you're into TF2, so I thought I might link to it. What do you know, I did.

- Yahtzee

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Previously on Fully Ramblomatic...

17/4/08: Getting Shirty

This week's review is Condemned 2. Last week's was No More Heroes, but I couldn't be arsed updating the site. Fuck you.

Also, for CHRIST'S SAKE stop with the t-shirt related emails now, I think they got the message and now I'm afraid to go into my inbox.

- Yahtzee

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Previously on Fully Ramblomatic...

4/4/08: Drunk Australian Men

Hi gang! Of late I've been chumming it up with Yug and Matt from Australian Gamer the website, and last night I joined them for their weekly podcast. It was a great laugh and we had a lot of interesting discussion about lesbians, cunnilingus and Peter Molyneux, not all at the same time obviously. Go have a listen to hear what I sound like when I'm not working from a script.

In other news, pop culture expo and creep fest Supanova is on this weekend in Brisbane, and I attend to intend - sorry - intend to attend on the Saturday. Feel free to gaze at me lovingly from a distance if you're going along and happen to spot me. I'll probably be the guy chumming it up with all my important games industry friends you could never talk to in a million years.

Oh yes, and I'm still doing that weekly video review thing. Army of Two this week.

- Yahtzee

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Previously on Fully Ramblomatic...

28/3/08: Dead Baby Joke

Zack & Wiki this week. Well done to all those who noticed the repeated and deliberate spelling error in which I referred to it as "Zach & Wiki" throughout. This was genuinely deliberate and was intended as a statement on something or other.

I sort of wrote another short story. This one involves characters from Adventures in the Galaxy of Fantabulous Wonderment, my experimental space tradey game thing. It was birthed from the thought process of 'let's put some established characters into an awkward social situation and see how the story unfolds as I write it.' The story's called Crates of Babies, and here's a free sample:

Contrary to popular belief, the interior of a space vessel does not jostle every time the vessel’s exterior is fired upon (unless the artificial gravity is damaged but that takes a pretty accurate shot on most ships), nor do showers of sparks explode from random consoles. There isn’t even a distant rumbling sound. The only way the crew would know that, say, a photon missile had disabled the hydrogen ram scoop, was by reading some flashing words on Dan’s console.

“A photon missile just disabled the hydrogen ram scoop!” yelled Dan.

Boy howdy, sounds like the crew of the Elaborate Gesture are in a bit of a pickle! Click these words to find out how they got into and out of it. Also, just to prove how much not like Tim Buckley I am, criticism and analysis is encouraged on the forum, since you did it to my last story without me asking. Also, while you're talking about it, recommend other characters from my fictional universe to write stories about, because I can't decide.

- Yahtzee

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23/3/08: You Cad

Review this week was Turok, for anyone who didn't notice. Watch it and let's all get on with our lives.

As a recent interview with me over at Gamespot and several references in previous reviews and writings may have informed you, I have a long-standing hatred of the webcomic Ctrl-Alt-Del. I thought I'd take a moment to explain it a bit better.

You see, I have this theory that the internet is causing a general mediocritisation of human culture, because you can put pretty much any piece of work on the internet and no matter how hugely it sucks dolphin jizz you'll find some dick who's prepared to tell you it's brilliant. This is the principle on which Deviantart appears to be founded.

But the cruellest thing you can do to an artist is tell them their work is flawless when it isn't. It gives them no incentive to improve or try new things, which a creative person must always strive to do. And it tends to foster the kind of monstrous egos the webcomic sphere grows like mushrooms in the shit-spattered dark. Tim Buckley of Ctrl-Alt-Del is notorious for having a zero tolerance for any criticism, constructive or otherwise, often deleting it unregarded from his forums, or declaring them invalid for half-baked reasons. It seems blanket praise has already done its damage to this fevered ego.

I don't hate Buckley. I look at CAD and I see a lot of misdirected potential. I know, that sounds hilarious even to me. But if you look at Buckley's art blog, you'll find that he's actually a pretty decent artist when he wants to be. But the promise of easy praise and popularity keeps him mired in his copy-pasted shoulder-hunched droopy-eyed slack-jawed magnum opus.

Not that copy-pasted art need necessarily ruin a comic - Dinosaur Comics is one of my favourite regular reads. It's the fact that for having run a gag-a-day strip for however many years, Buckley still has no idea how to structure a joke. I've never known an artist so determined to never learn anything about their craft. His usual response to this sort of thing is that he just has his own style and that there's no such thing as a 'right' or 'wrong' opinion, but the fact is, while humour is a flexible harlot, it still has rules. Rules which can be broken in the right contexts; contexts which don't include anything Tim Buckley has written.

I'm going to post a link now to a Ctrl-Alt-Del comic from July 2007. Don't let the fact that it's old excuse the mistakes; this is still very typical of Buckley's current work.

Here's another comic, this one a Penny Arcade strip from early the same year. The subject matter and joke are the same (Puzzle Quest) but it's a fairly obvious joke to make and I can easily assume both writers came up with it independently.

Both comics identify the humour in the situation - that the rules of a game world seem absurd when applied to the real world - but while Penny Arcade understands that the crux of a joke should be reserved for the final panel, Ctrl-Alt-Del is apparently so excited about the idea that it blurts it out right away, leaving three more panels to flounder in excessive dialogue and pointlessness.

A punchline should be equated to an actual punch in the face. That's why it's called a punch-line. You deliver it and run. You do not hang around explaining how you did the punch and that the recipient should probably be in a lot of pain now.

Identify the funny part of the idea and save it for last. Leave with the audience laughing. If you do nothing else, finish strong. That's a rule any humourist will agree with. But with the centrepoint of the gag already uselessly spent, Buckley's comic is forced to fall upon its old standby of violence as a sort of prosthetic punchline. Now, violence can certainly be funny, modern cinema was virtually built on the tradition of slapstick, but it doesn't work in static, non-animated media. There is humour to be found in shock value, but most people have been on the internet long enough to not be shocked by anything as mundane as a claymore through the sweetbreads.

But even if the joke were structured properly, there is still far too much dialogue. This is a problem common to a lot of webcomics, but since we're already in the CAD-bashing groove we'll stick with it. Shakespeare wrote that 'brevity is the soul of wit'. He did not then add 'unless you're writing a webcomic'. It applies to everything, and don't tell me you're arrogant enough to claim to know better than Shakespeare.

A gag strip has a very simple formula. Buildup. Buildup. Buildup. Punchline. Anything that does not in some way build towards the punchline can safely be removed. If any dialogue can conceivably be replaced with a gesture or facial expression (visit Perry Bible Fellowship for a crash course in this), do so; this is a comic, a predominantly visual medium, not a fucking essay. Additionally, any dialogue pertaining to either ninjas, pirates, monkeys or Jesus should be excised, sealed in resin and buried in an undersea volcano.

This is why Ctrl-Alt-Del is a blight, and the fact that it remains crushingly popular despite making mistakes that a child would be brutally caned for on their first day at comedy school is one of the main reasons I openly weep tears for the future of human culture.

I know that an opinion can't technically be wrong and that there could be people who still like CAD for the characters or the art, but if you genuinely think that it is well-written, then you are demonstrably wrong. That's all there is to it.

Yahtzee is well aware that his own previous webcomic efforts aren't necessarily any better but reminds you that they came out of a dark time in his life from which he has determinedly moved on without a backward glance

- Yahtzee

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Previously on Fully Ramblomatic...

14/3/08: Driving Me Mad

Zero Punctuation this week is Burnout Paradise, as you probably already know. Yes, driving games aren't the most widely played of genres but I'm making a conscious effort to do things other than first person shooters all the time.

Oh yes, and those guys at the 'other' Escapist video series, De-Rez, have made a quaint little video in which I fall victim of parody. Ha, ha, ha, those crazy guys. I take their jabs with good humour and sincerely hope they don't inhale any Drano anytime soon.

In all seriousness you should check out De-Rez's videos, they're pretty funny when they're not desperately beating jokes into the ground like they're trying to drill for oil OH SNAP YOU JUST GOT SCHOOLED MOTHERFUCKERS

No, really, those guys are cool.

- Yahtzee

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8/3/08: Shock Horror

Sing choirs of angels and take a quick look outside to make sure the apocalypse isn't taking place because I've actually written something for the website for once. I'd been neglecting my fiction ability, you see, so I've been trying to write more of it. Specifically I've been trying to do short stories about my established characters that I'm into.

Here's what I hope will be the first of several short stories from my fictional universe, this one featuring the nice comfortable territory of Trilby. It's called Trilby And The Ghost, and if you haven't already clicked on the funny blue words to go to it then here's a free sample:

I spun around. The ghost was quite freshly-killed, judging by the way he was still holding onto his residual self-image. The blurry grey outline of a short, dumpy young man hung sulkily in the corner of the room. Despite myself, I was impressed. It took a ghost with astonishing levels of control to manifest so clearly, and to be actually heard speaking in a clear, articulate voice… I realised with weary certainty that the Ministry were going to want this encounter documented.

It's set at a point either just before or after Trilby's Notes, when Trilby is working as an agent for the Special Talent Project, more often that not as a freelance paranormal investigator for the Ministry of Occultism. Here's that link again in case you're dangerously stupid.

- Yahtzee

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Previously on Fully Ramblomatic...

7/3/08: Debble Meh Cruhh

Okay, so I forgot to update the site about it, it's not like anyone still reads this shit. Devil May Cry 4 was this week's review.

Also, someone added an Italian translation to the 5 Days foreign language version. It may have been me.

- Yahtzee

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28/2/08: Hats Off

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune this week, complete with surprise guest appearance of myself. Many people seem to have bemoaned that I wasn't wearing my hat. Well, it was like this: I could either wear my hat or my headset, and my hat lacks the ability to record sound.

I have a touch of the flu this week, not that it'll stop you from expecting free quality entertainment from me all the time anyway, you bloody vultures.

- Yahtzee

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24/2/08: Back in Black

That's right, spunk guzzlers, I'm back from GDC having shook my hand raw and have finally plowed through the big piles of email I specifically told you not to send me. Incidentally I deleted without reading all the ones that complained about the censor beeping in my GDC shorts. No, the reviews aren't going to be regularly bleeped now, shut up. They were put in there at the request of the GDC people and I deliberately made it clear what the word being bleeped out was. Personally I feel a censor bleep can have greater comedy value than a swear word on it's own so I was all for it.

How the hell did they make the videos 'unwatchable', as one viewer put it? Do you have some kind of chip in your brain that deactivates all your senses whenever you hear a high-frequency noise? Christ, you people are freaks.

Anyway, I was interviewed on G4 but the clip doesn't seem to be online yet, so I'll post it here when it is.

- Yahtzee

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19/2/08: Gee Dee See

I'm toddling off to San Francisco for GDC tomorrow, so that means you shouldn't email me until around Monday, so I don't have to wade through a fucking wall of correspondence when I get back. Actually, why not leave it for a couple of weeks? That suits me better. On second thoughts, just hang the whole idea. I thought about taking my laptop but I was afraid US customs might shove it up my arse.

For this reason there's no review this week, but if you'll let me finish my sentence before you start throwing things, the Escapist will be releasing the shorts I made for the GDC award ceremony at around midnight on Wednesday, in place of a review. Perhaps they will keep you mollified.

If you're attending GDC, feel free to say hi and force me to pretend I appreciate your company. If you're not attending GDC but have access to G4, watch out for me, because apparently they will be putting me on the goggle box during their GDC coverage to stammer out some answers to some questions. If you're not attending GDC and you don't have access to G4, you can, I dunno, go shove a laptop up your arse or something.

- Yahtzee

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14/2/08: Sim Shitty

The astute among you will no doubt have already noticed that this week's review is up, Sim City Societies to be precise.

The even more astute among you, emboldened by your previous victory, may have also noticed that previews of ZP are now being shown on G4, the cable television network. This is the latest step in my increasingly alarming rise to fame. Yes, I have been harvested by mainstream media for whatever time remains for television to still be called 'mainstream' before the internet destroys it once and for all.

I just want to address a concern I've noticed some people having. G4, extremely nice people as they may be, are only showing short previews of the vids. They don't have any editorial control over the actual videos. They can bleep out swears in their preview if they want but the Escapist edition will remain 100% unobliterated by the smushing finger of editors. If you can't get G4 wherever you are then this information probably won't affect you in the slightest. Not even sure why I brought it up.

- Yahtzee

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7/2/08: Call of Duty Cor

Yes, it's Call of Duty 4 this week. Check it out then come back so I can yell at you.

Did you see that last screen at the end which was fairly typical for the last screen of these reviews because it goes 'Ask me about...' such and such before giving the email address? You do understand that I only put those things there for comic effect, right? Do you honestly think I genuinely want you to actually ask me about whatever it is?

Because I don't. I'm abandoning rhetoric at this point so I can crowbar this into your thick skulls without confusing you with complex literary devices. I. Do. Not. Do not send me an actual genuine email asking me why I release my email if it only brings me suffering or how long it's been since I've known the touch of a woman, because (a) doing so isn't part of the joke and just uselessly overworks it, (b) it's even money that a hundred thousand other wags will have beaten you to telling me this incredibly funny joke which (c) I already know because I MADE IT UP.

So this is for every one of the dipshits who, blind to irony, flooded my email with the question from the end of the CoD4 review repeated verbatim out of some retarded sheep-brain instruction-following mentality. I hate every single one of you. This is not your yeah-ha-ha-casual I hate you, you genuinely fill me with a level of contempt and disgust that genuinely aches my abdomen.

Just clearing that up.

- Yahtzee

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1/2/08: Painfiller

OK, I guess some of you liked it. Please stop emailing me now.

Umbrella Chronicles. Go.

- Yahtzee

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24/1/08: Bitcher

I have a new video out, like that even needs saying anymore. The Witcher this time. Also there's a little self-indulgency in there because I've been doing reviews for months and need to do something new to keep my interest in the world alive.

I like playing Team Fortress 2. It's fun. And if you hang around a server that gets a decent low ping in eastern Australia, there's a chance I may some day join a server that you are on. Should that happen, remember to follow these guidelines:

- Always interrogate me the moment I have one foot in the door as to whether I'm 'the real Yahtzee' or not. Insist I go on voice chat to prove my identity while the enemy busily penetrate our defenses. This will swiftly endear you to me.

- Once my identity is confirmed to your satisfaction, or not, spend the entire game quoting myself at me in all caps in both text and voice chat. It's very gratifying to be reminded that my reviews are very popular and that some of my lines have entered meme territory, and being constantly reminded of this will help my confidence and improve our chances of winning.

- Don't be fooled by my stony silence up to this point - secretly, I'm probably on the verge of inviting you to my next birthday party. Ensure that this happens by adding me to your friends list and trying to open Steam chat with me while I'm in the middle of something important. Obviously since I have total misanthropic hatred for 99% of my fellow man, it's important that I communicate with as many of them as possible to remind myself of why.

- Relish verbally every single time you kill me, because obviously being a gaming industry professional I am some kind of higher order of being, and besting me in a game of skill is a sure sign that you have a valid claim to all the thrones of Europe.

- Remember to get catty when I unexpectedly log off. I'm probably just overwhelmed to the point of tears by the wonderful friends I have made.

- Yahtzee

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17/1/08: Piesis

Crysis is up this week for a rollicking by popular demand. Its positivity may surprise you.

Just to clarify my position, I did like the game, even if the AI was dodgy and the controls had some issues and the ending was a bigger cocktease than a cheeky hen, but I believe that Crysis was good for what it was, that being a tech demo. It was certainly amazingly good-looking to the point that even a cynic such as myself had to be gobsmacked in the face of some of the visuals. And that's really all you can ask of a tech demo.

Anyway, I stand by the position I made in the Guitar Hero III review; people like this kid are fucking FREAKS and must be shunned.

- Yahtzee

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10/1/08: Violent Bill

Silent Hill: Origins is my target for Flash-enabled grievous bodily harm this week, hopefully a wee bit faster and less drunk-sounding than last week. Long time readers should know, of course, that I love Silent Hill. That's why Origins makes me so mad.

- Yahtzee

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3/1/08: Super Mario Jalopy

I trust we all had a passable Christmas and New Year's. I'm sure everyone who tuned into the Escapist last Wednesday will be pleased to see that Zero Punctuation is back this week, taking on Mario Galaxy. You'll have to excuse me if I seem a bit slower this week; my roommate was sleeping in the next room while I was recording and I was paranoid that I might wake him up.

But while we're on the subject of Mario, I'd like to share something that a number of correspondents have drawn to my attention. If you look at the game title on the box art of Super Mario Galaxy, you'll notice that some of the letters have little orange sparkles on them:

See them? You'll notice there's one under the U and the R in the word 'SUPER'. And if you continue looking at which letters possess this mark, you'll also notice that when put together they create the God-forbid-I-call-it-a-phrase 'UR MR GAY', which can of course be interpreted as You Are Mister Gay.

It seems like I should be grown up about this and talk it down as a probable coincidence, since the designer of the logo was more than likely Japanese. But on the other hand, there's no real explanation for the stars being positioned like that except to covertly highlight the letters. I really don't know what to make of it. Huh. Doubtless now that it's on the internet the box will be re-released in a matter of nanoseconds, so check it out on your local copy of the game before Nintendo calls in the stormtroopers.

- Yahtzee

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