25/6/04: Kickarse Light
Sabre Showcase Week, Day 4
Last day! After
this I will probably never ever do anything like
this ever again, so enjoy it while you can!
Dan Nielsen is having some fun with
us first:
When will you people learn that
taking two weapons and joining them
together with a bit of string does not an
unstoppable super destroyer make? I mean,
attaching two spatulas together with
string does not make it easier to make
pancakes. Attaching two driving
instructors with string will not help you
learn to drive faster, because for the
most part they'll probably be asking you
why you have tied them together with
string rather than teaching you to drive.
Nunchucks are such stupid weapons, when
you think about it. It takes ages to
learn how to use them properly, and a man
with a baseball bat gets exactly the same
results without bashing himself in the
eye all the time. |
It looks like a jump rope for alien
girls from the future who are tired of living. On
the other hand, though, if you did take this into
school and bullies started taking the piss out of
you, after you've lasered off your first leg and
are still attempting to skip in screaming agony,
they'd probably stop taking the piss and get
totally freaked out.
5 Kicked Arses
I have nothing more to add.
Some strange
person who wishes to be addressed as "tysonmccamley sucksondick" sent this in:

I can see how having three light sabres
on your hand would help in your jedi duel, but
frankly the necessity of the ones on your feet
and the ones on your head escapes me. Well, the
feet I can maybe understand. Maybe you could use
them to have a little space around you when
riding on the Jedi tube train home. I know I
usually only rate according to how it'd be in a
Jedi fight, but it seems to me that, if you
implemented this kind of bodily modification, you
wouldn't be able to do anything BUT fight. You
couldn't change a lightbulb, or look after a
goldfish, and you'd be continually ejected from
department stores for interfering with the
ceiling fans.
To understand my scoring, pretend to be
a hot girl and rate the likelihood of you ever
thinking this: "Boy, that freak with the
highly dangerous laser weapons growing out of his
head has really got my juices flowing!"
4 Kicked Arses
Go away. Just... go away.
Jane Sherwood is another entrant who
submitted a short novella to accompany their
entry, so read it here while you gaze in awe:
Well, Janey seems to have put a lot of
effort into the gadget side of things without
sacrificing style. What's odd, though, is that
while she makes much reference to the joy of
slitting up one's foe a treat, there are rather a
lot of gadgets for use in non-lethal takedown.
Maybe I just can't understand 'cos I'm the kind
of man's man who looks appreciatively at shiny
cars and opens beer bottles with my eye sockets,
but I have a feeling ol' Janey would be one of
those wussy hero Jedi who always let the defeated
opponent go for a life of shame and ignominy.
Digressing for a
moment, sometimes I really hate the heroes in
that sort of adventure film. I mean, these evil
overlords are actually trying to achieve
something with their lives. You might not agree
with their motives, but by golly they're rolling
up their sleeves and getting on with honest,
constructive work. And all the heroes can do is
criticise. What jerks.
Looks nice, I guess. Got the whole
She-Ra thing going on. Action pose didn't hurt.
Just a shame that the laser blade looks like it's
made of Nerf.
8 Kicked Arses
Sometimes I think it'd be kinder just to
kill the defeated overlord. That way you save him
the humiliation of having to sidle back into the
overlord club lounge and receive the regulation
overlord chinese burn.
Dave Cohen is having a laugh:

But then, fops really aren't designed
for functionality either. They can't move around
very well with those corsets laced up tight and
they're afraid to do so anyway in case their
powdered wigs fall off. The average fop lasts
about three tenths of a second in a light sabre
duel, which is about enough time for half an
arrogant snort, if it's a very quick arrogant
snort. Five points might even be a bit much, but
I'm feeling generous just 'cos I like the cut of
your gib, Cohen.
Fops and fop accessories wrote the book
on aesthetics, so I'm giving a good score for
this one even if it is rather obviously and badly
Photoshopped. This is exactly the kind of light
sabre I'd expect to see in the window of some
dainty boutique in 18th century Paris. I can
almost picture the little dirty orphan waifs
pressing their snotty noses up against the glass
in awe and reverence.
7 Kicked Arses
Good on you, Dave. You might be
completely dismembered before you can even stuff
your silk handkerchief back in your sleeve, but
by damn your corpse will smell nice.
The Fashionable Viking is a big disappointment
to his parents:

What is it with this 'no bulky gadgets'
policy? Michael Lander did the same thing to me
yesterday. What fresh madness is this? I hate the
way you pair are implying that gadgets are some
kind of heathen extravagance while the plain,
unmolested light sabre is a purer, far more noble
weapon. Well, newsflash, hippy: this is MY
competition and I say that a light sabre that
can't charcoal broil your arse from three
different directions at once and kick you in the
balls at the same time is no kind of light sabre
at all. HA.
Oh yeah, and
your light sabre turns into a whip. Good luck
with that one, champ. You know that bit in
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade where young
Indy uses a whip for the first time and smacks
himself one in the chops? You're going to do the
same thing and end up looking like the little
girl from Dawn of the Dead.
It looks like a cross between a
millipede and a great big turd. I'm sorry, but
there it is. Laser effect on the blade looks kind
of cool, and you can be sure that's the only
reason you're not getting the rating equivalent
of a knee in the nuts right now.
3 Kicked Arses
I'd love to watch the reactions of the
Jedi council when Mr. Viking saunters into the
clubhouse waving his millipede-turd hybrid and
smacks himself in the face with it.
that's about it. The top three will get announced
tomorrow. At this point, I must give my honest
and heartfelt apologies to the designers of light
sabres I couldn't find the space or just plain
couldn't be arsed to cover. Especially you, SimeSublime. Really there was
nothing wrong with your entry, I just... I'm
sorry, I just couldn't think of anything funny to
say about it. I'll just post the image here and
give a quick overall score.

Six Kicked Arses! 
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Kickarse Light Sabre Showcase Week, Day 4
that's it. No more light sabre entries please.
Frankly, over the last week I've had enough
poorly-drawn Jedi weapons in my inbox to choke a
baboon, and if I ever see another one again after
this it'll be a million billion years too soon.
Any light sabres I receive after today will be
sealed in a casket and fired into space, to be
discovered and mocked by alien civilisations for
centuries to come. Or deleted from my inbox.
Whatever's easier.
still got quite a few to get through, so I'll
split them between today and tomorrow, and give
my top 3 on Sunday. We cool? We cool.
starting with aagepult:
There's very little point in camouflage
light sabres, if you ask me. Even if they work,
all you're going to do is make your opponent
believe that you're not armed, and that may give
him the confidence he needs to believe in
himself. This is all academic, though, because
aagepult's camouflage wouldn't work outside of a
trendy London apartment in the 1960's. As for
everything else, it seems to me that aagepult is
more interested in sitting down and discussing
differences over coffee and a scone than fighting
tooth and nail over a bottomless pit, which is
kind of the situation light sabres tend to be in.
Sith lords don't eat scones. They are notorious
for not eating scones.
The pink teddy, zebraskin motif, purple
sponge thing and calm reasoned debate buttons
gave me certain suspicions, all of which were
confirmed by the 'anal entry' switch. I'm not
going to come out and say that this light sabre
is for flaming homos, but I do think that, if a
Jedi were set upon by the five blokes from Queer
Eye For The Straight Guy, this is the sort of
light sabre he'd be left holding in bewilderment.
6 Kicked Arses
If the most kickarse light sabre were a
video, it'd be Army of Darkness. If this were a
video, it'd be one of Richard Simmons' workout
Go Michael Lander!
Aesthetics: 10/10
I'm doing the two categories in
reverse order for this one, for reasons
which will soon become clear. This is
easily the most beautifully-drawn entry
in the entire competition. All I can do
is stare at it, thinking of all the ones
I received that were drawn with the big
circle brush in MS Paint, and wonder how
both can conceivably exist on the same
page without causing some kind of
explosion. I... I just don't know what
else to say. I'll just leave a big space
here, so that everyone can look at it
with awe and silent reverence. |
Functionality: 5/10
How could you do this to me, Mike? You
submit the most beautiful design in the contest
and forget to add all the kickarse decadent
gadgets. I mean, anything at all, dude. A
chainsaw. A device for projecting hologrammatic
nude ladies. A cup holder, for fuck's sake. Just
one fucking gadget and you could have had this
contest in the bag. I'm giving you 5 points even
though you don't deserve them, just because it
looks so great.
7 Kicked Arses
Crushed. I am CRUSHED.
rocking with Frank "LookOutForNinjas" next:

Guitars kick arse, and light sabres kick
arse. So a light sabre guitar should kick arse
squared, right? Well... I wouldn't think so,
somehow. Whichever of the two contexts you use it
in, you're going to have problems. It'd be a
bitch to wave around in a light sabre duel, and
if you started rocking out too enthusiastically
with it you'll probably accidentally castrate
whoever's on bass.
Well, it is a guitar. You could paint a
guitar lime green with pink stripes and attach a
dead leper to one end and you'd still look cool
holding it in the traditional pose. It's just a
question of how long you can hold that pose while
the enemy light sabre is being introduced to your
jugular vein.
5 Kicked Arses
For each one of the bass guitarist's
future children you murdered.
next? Why, it's Morc Arnie Polski:

Nice. Yes, I've been examining this
closely, and I can't think of many ways to fault
it. It has many cool gadgets, but they remain
understated enough to not get in the way. And
those mirrors on the end would be most handy for
showing your enemy his defeated face after he's
been disarmed, as well as checking to make sure
your girly Jedi hairdo is straight. It's the
dangly things at the bottom that stop this thing
getting the full ten, though. That mains lead is
just short enough to be inconvenient to plug into
a wall socket, but long enough to whip around in
battle and smack you in the face. Specify a
retractable lead next time!
Symmetry? Check. Sticky-out bits? Check.
And yet, it still seems to be missing something.
Decoration, perhaps? Yes! Where are all the
skulls and the nude ladies and the robot ninjas
on motorbikes? I'm not even going to talk about
the decals. This is supposed to be a light sabre,
not some high school girl's Astro Boy pencilcase.
Keep an eye on this one, bookies.
time is it? It's time for Scruffie:

Good god. Okay, let me explain something
for you. As everyone should well be aware by now,
the functionality of the light sabre is rated on
the assumption that it is being used in a fight
with ANOTHER Jedi. So here's how your fight's
going to go:
Hey, let's have a fight!
JEDI: Har har har! You have only
a metal sword?
YOU: Har har har back! It is not
really a sword! It turns into a kickarse light
JEDI: Wow, I'm so impressed
that... okay, so I'm not impressed at all. I
mean, I have an equally kickarse plain light
sabre that doesn't turn into anything else and is
a lot more convenient to carry around.
JEDI: (stab}
Sure, whatever.
4 Kicked Arses
Please stop talking in leet speak. Just
everyone stop it now, please.
take a leaf out of Ropes's book, because (s)he very nearly
wrote one to accompany his/her entry. You'd
better take a look at it first. Here's the saber.
Apologies for having to shrink it so much, but
then I wouldn't have to if people didn't send
such unmanageably big images, right, spacemonkey?

First glance, it seems pretty cool. Then
I notice you've got demons operating in there. I
dunno, seems like a bad idea to me. Demons aren't
generally considered a trustworthy bunch. First
time your back's turned, they'll take the
opportunity to deliver the most diabolical wedgie
you've ever received. And that's if they don't
even have reason to hate you. Imprison them in a
little rod and force them to your bidding, and
they'll be eating your face some day no matter
how many pentagrams you draw on the shaft.
and I notice you also have the demons bringing
you sharp, dangerous objects, and that you let
them CONTROL YOUR THOUGHTS. Jesus, dangle your
goolies over a bear trap, why don't you.
It's got an interesting sort of
industrial feel to it, which I like, and it's got
sticky-out bits, which I also enjoy, but I can't
help noticing that the laser blade is supposed to
be FOUR FEET LONG. To get an idea of that, hold
your hands a foot apart, then double the
distance, then double it again. THAT long. The
height of five squirrels, or one midget. That's
going to be a bitch to carry around. And judging
by the little diagram there, the hilt is probably
about thirteen or fourteen inches on its own. So,
how cool would you look wielding this? As cool as
anyone looks with trembling knees and severe back
7 Kicked Arses
I'd say Ropes was trying to compensate
for something, were I not unsure of his/her
of them go up tomorrow, so NO MORE ENTRIES OR I
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Kickarse Light Sabre Showcase Week, Day 3
chance to get your light sabre designs in! I'll
be profiling the last of them tomorrow. In the
here and now, however, Heccubus is first:
When I was a kid, I recall having a
chemistry set, and at one point, about the same
time the novelty wore off, I decided to mix all
the chemical samples together to see what would
happen. To my disappoint the result was not
George's Marvellous Medicine, neither did it
explode violently. It just produced brown liquid
that fizzled a bit when we poured it all over the
garage floor. I bring it up because some of the
designers in this contest are doing something
similar to me. Sending in deliberate crap and
hoping I'll explode. Well, I'm not going to rise
to it today, Heccubus. I'm just going to say,
"Thank you for the rubber grip. It will keep
my hands touchably soft while I'm beating you to
death with this thing."
Arse arse arse arse ARSE.
3 Kicked Arses
Let's move on.
onto your hats, it's Aleksandr Knasiak:
This is a perfect example of the kind of
mistakes you make when going completely
overboard. I think I said yesterday that you
can't have a black laser blade outside of a
negative universe, but since there's reference to
a quantum singularity generator we'll let that
one slide. What does concern me, however, is the
dart launcher. It's bad enough they're positioned
exactly where you put your hand around it, but
one of them appears to fire BACKWARDS. What is
this, a light sabre for the Jedi who is tired of
life? Anyway, moot point, it seems, since the
force field would prevent you from actually being
able to hold the dratted thing.
yeah, and a little computer that activates
whatever the user wishes. Failure of imagination,
It kind of looks like the result of an
explosion at Wonka's chocolate factory, but Alex
at least remembered one of the key elements of
aesthetics: SYMMETRY. One deadly blade is good,
but another deadly blade on the other side offers
twice the opportunity to exterminate yourself.
5 Kicked Arses
It'd make you the belle of the Jedi
ball, assuming you survive long enough to get to
the venue.
Fredward presents his opus:
Hey, Fredward, didn't anybody tell you
to submit a light sabre design? Oh wait, there it
is. Sorry, I didn't see it behind all the TEXT.
let's see what we have here. A light sabre that
can be operated by remote control. I guess that
would be pretty useful to lazy people with no
self-respect. I suppose this is an inevitable
product of today's bone idle society. It's not
enough that we have curtains, we also apparently
need to be able to close them from across the
room, to prevent the sunlight from burning our
fragile lardy skin. Oh yes, and I see there's a
button that automatically makes the sabre perform
fancy Jedi moves. I'm going to make an
assumption, here, and forgive me if this is way
off the base, but... you're fat, aren't you,
Fredward? Yes. I think you're a very fat man.
The aesthetic score is based on how cool
you look while wielding the light sabre in
question. In this case, our hypothetical Jedi
isn't even in the same room as the light sabre,
he's at home watching Gamera movies and stuffing
cheeseburgers down his disgusting gullet. And
that probably won't make it into the final cut of
Star Wars Episode 3. Then again, I wouldn't be
5 Kicked Arses
It was a toss up between 5 or 6. I gave
him 5 as punishment for being fat.
- I'm doing some data entry as I write this, and
I've just discovered that there's a shop in
Caboolture, Queensland called 'Just Brake
Cables', which presumably sells nothing but brake
cables. I bet whoever owns that place fucking
lives for the day that someone breaks down
outside and goes "God, if only there were a
shop that sells brake cables around here."
up is AngeloGM's entry:
& Aesthetics: ?/10
Er... yes. You know, I don't... I don't
think Angelo was paying attention. Much as it
pains me to say this, 'cos this is very well
drawn and probably took quite a while, but...
this was kind of a competition to design a light
sabre, Angelo mate, and no matter how much your
axe that turns into a motorcycle is the very
definition of kickarse, I can't really rate it
properly. I'd like to help you, man, but if I let
this one slip then next it'll be a scimitar that
turns into nunchucks, or a pike that turns into
Flash Gordon.
Schroedinger's Pants
I can't rate this in either kicked or
unkicked arses, so here's an arse in a pair of
pants. Until the pants are pulled down, the arse
exists potentially in both the kicked and
unkicked state. There is no way of knowing which
one it is without pulling down the pants and
collapsing the waveform. I'm pretty sure quantum
theory comes into this somewhere. Fear the
Quantum Pants!
Kristin is making her presence
Lots of interesting stuff to spice up
the fight. I like the smoke machine. Now you can
fight an enemy Jedi while fantasising about being
on stage with Aerosmith, or vice versa. Not sure
about the rocket launcher, because, call me an
old stick in the mud, a faceful of engine exhaust
is the kind of new experience I could do without.
Also, invisible laser blade. These things always
SOUND cool right before you put them into
practise, don't they. How are you supposed to
deflect bullets with something you can't see?
Combine that with the silencer and you're in
trouble. After the fight, you'll forget it's
turned on. You'll run the batteries down and
knacker the carrying case.
It looks kind of like the Apollo 11
launch, as drawn by Timmy, age 6. Somehow,
though, I get the impression that, had it been
drawn professionally, it would look totally
rockin'. That's just me.
7 Kicked Arses
Kristin has earned her testicles, which
is ironic when you think about it.
Robert Michael Shemilt hasn't left the
Wow! A port to install other add-ons?
Aces! I'm going to plug in a fire-breathing robot
ninja dressed like Zorro! This is the coolest
fucking light sabre in the whole - hey! Waaaaait
a minute! I think someone's pulling a fast one
here. I'm sorry, but including as a gadget a port
for installing more gadgets is like entering an
unfertilised ovum at a dog show. You earn no
points for gadgets that exist in potentia. I lost
interest in quantum theory four paragraphs ago.
from that, everything else can be summed up
pretty easily: MEH.
I didn't think until today that there
was any way to make the concept of a sword made
out of laser boring, but look what I have to work
with, people. It's a toilet roll holder with a
Churro sticking out.
4 Kicked Arses
I can be as petty as I like, bitch.
Michael Spithill is trying something

Injectable lightsabre. Interesting. I
presume it's a solution of millions of really
small lightsabres that can hack merrily away at
the enemy from within. Now, never let it be said
that I don't encourage taking things in a
different direction, but I have to wonder. I have
to wonder how Michael intends to grab his
opponent, apply a tourniquet, sterilise part of
their arm and inject his invention into the vein
while the fellow is busy trying to chop him into
coleslaw with a proper light saber.
I'm not ragging on your syringe, man.
It's a pretty sweet syringe you've got there. I
am, however, concerned about the object which you
claim is your arm. Now, unless there are bowling
balls and grapefruit in your ancestry, I would
advise getting in touch with your local doctor as
soon as possible to get that looked at. Do you go
to fancy dress parties as a fruit basket?
5 Kicked Arses
I mean, I can't even tell which bit's
supposed to be the elbow.
day tomorrow! Until then, FEAR THE QUANTUM PANTS!
- Yahtzee
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Kickarse Light Sabre Showcase Week, Day 2
light sabres are still coming in, and I'm glad to
say that most of them are improvements on some of
yesterday's entrants. I hasten to stress the word
'most', of course. Let's start with one of the
good ones, so I can save up some bile.
Amelia Q left this on my

You remember Spacemonkey's effort
yesterday, which I said looked like it had
sacrificed style over function? Well, Amelia
seems to have done the flip-reverse backward
thing. It's certainly the prettiest light sabre I
ever did see, but I have to wonder about that
sphere thing. I'm not sure a sphere would deliver
a thin, focussed beam. At best it'd make a big
cone, leaving you waving around something that
looks like a glowing bunch of flowers, and while
that may be easier to deflect laser blasts with,
there's no style to it at all. At worst, the
universe would explode. Oh, and does that edible
bit grow back, or is it just a one-off, like
those lollipops you wear as a ring? Is it nougat?
I like nougat. Six points.
If light sabres were sold in department
stores, you could probably find this one
somewhere between Perfumes and Exotic Nightwear.
This is so totally designed by a woman. Look, you
can choose what colour laser you want; now that's
a commitment to aesthetics. You can be sure this
dangerous weapon won't clash with your pretty
princess ballgown! Look at it! Just look at it!
It looks like something they use as a shampoo
bottle on the mystic planet of Jebulon 12!
8 Kicked Arses
It's cute as a button, but it probably
wouldn't decapitate as well as it could. Which is
a shame, because a severed head can be made into
an attractive, horrifying ceiling light.
Sam Tritsch is wasting everyone's
time next:
"Oh ho ho ho," thinks
Sam Tritsch. "How crafty I shall be
with my submission. I shall exploit
Yahtzee's well-documented and sickening
affection for Bruce Campbell! The prize
is MINE! A ha ha ha ha!" No. No, no,
no. Bruce Campbell kicks arse, but he
only kicks so much when there's a green
laser coming out of his arse. How could
anyone wield a Bruce Campbell light
sabre? I presume you'd hold him by the
ankles and swing him about like a hammer
throw, but that leaves no room for fancy
fencing techniques. Moot point, anyway.
You just try swinging Ash around by the
ankles. He'd stick his boot so far up
your arse you'd still be tasting shoe
polish ten years down the line. Two
points, and that's just because it's Ash.
You wouldn't have had any at all had it
been Jeff Daniels, or Dame Edna Everage.
Aesthetics: 2/10
Had I not known it was supposed
to be a light sabre, I'd have thought
that space aliens were beaming Bruce
Campbell up in order to isolate the
kickass gene from his blood.
Overall: 2 Kicked Arses
And the arses being kicked are Sam's and
his mum's. Out the door!
hello to Robin Bagust's weapon of choice:

Pirates are cool, but I'm sorry, I can't
in good conscience give this a high score on the
functionality scale. For one thing, the on switch
is on the wrong side of the hilt, away from the
finger guard. You can't turn it on without both
hands. That's a crucial 0.5 of a second lost at
the beginning of the Jedi duel for a start. I
suppose what worries me most, though, is the peg
leg attachment. So the end that the laser blade
comes out of is the end we're supposed to jam
into our diseased stumps? I'm not even going to
talk about what a bad idea that is. I'll just say
this, and leave the rest to your imaginations:
I'm glad to say that Robin managed to
capture a light sabre without sacrificing the
cutlass element. This is exactly the sort of
thing you'd expect extremely well-dressed future
space pirates to wield as they boarded their
victims, swinging off their spaceships with a
chorus of aharrs, then dying of explosive
5 Kicked Arses
On the whole, a brave try. Just needed a
little bit of beta testing before shipping.
Chyld is our next hero:

Well, let's see here. Either Chyld
misheard and thought this was a
'design-a-truncheon' competition, or he's trying
to say that he has a black laser blade. Due to
the smoothness of the phallus and the highlight,
I'm going to assume the former. I put my foot
down and say you can't have a black laser blade
outside of Bizarro World.
Skull motifs are always neat, but it
looks more like a Punisher-themed sex aid than a
light sabre.
5 Kicked Arses
FullyRamblomatic.com does not condone
the use of Jedi weapons for erotic purposes,
however entertaining it would be to watch.
this is fun, isn't it. Alexei deBerner is next:

I dunno, this just doesn't work for me.
Surely the whole point of a light sabre is that
it's a more elegant weapon than a gun, and I
don't think jamming the sabre down the barrel of
a Glock will make any elegance rub off. It's like
sticking flowers down your dick and hoping it'll
make an appropriate anniversary present for your
significant other. How are you supposed to pull
off fancy lightsabre moves while the butt's on
your shoulder, hm?
fun fact: a compass has so far been the most
popular gadget in all the submitted designs. I
guess lots of people feel that, in the middle of
a pitched fight to the death, they'll suddenly
really, really want to know where magnetic north
I suppose all guns make you look cool
when you hold them in both hands, especially if
you've just shot your way through a door and are
silhouetted against the light as you say the
killer one-liner. Unfortunately, the coolness of
the situation rather relies on the gun being able
to shoot things afterwards.
4 Kicked Arses
I don't think Alexei knows that
compasses don't work when they're held on their
side. Sh! Don't tell him!
Cheesehead is ready to rock your

Gadgets! Yeah! And silk! Er... yeah! I
like the flamethrower. For that crucial moment in
the fight when you decide to let warrior code
take a running jump! Bit worried about the
keyring, though. What if your lightsabre was
knocked out of your hand during the fight and
your adversary is one of those smug twats who
lets the loser go free? By the time you got home,
bitter and tearful, you'd remember that you left
your keys in the Circle of Oblivion. It could be
what finally pushes you over the edge.
I think I should clarify something -
functionality of light sabres with decadent
gadgets is rated in accordance with how useful
the gadgets would be mid-battle. Who can find use
for a grappling hook in a fight, except Rorschach
from Watchmen or Scorpion from Mortal Kombat? And
anyway, wouldn't the blade cut the rope? You have
to think about these things, man. Oh, and I see a
little computer installed there. God, some of you
are such NERDS.
It's content over style again, I'm
afraid, 'cos frankly it looks like poo. Extremely
functional poo, oh yes, perhaps some of the
finest poo around, but that doesn't distract from
the fact that it's POO. Please don't come to Jedi
training sessions carrying this, your teacher
will single you out and embarrass you in front of
the whole class. "Hey, Cheesehead! What're
you doing with that poo? Didn't anyone tell you
to bring a light sabre today?" Then he would
laugh, like this: "Ha ha ha HAAAAARGH",
because that's the point you let warrior code
take a running jump.
6 Kicked Arses
Probably deserved more, but I can't get
over how pooey it looks.
finally, this... thing, from Dave Hill:

Er... uh. Oh dear. Oh dear, oh dear, oh
dear. And we were doing so well. Somehow, I get
the feeling that young Dave is trying to provoke
me. He should consider that mission well and
truly successful. Let me say this. I am going to
get you, Hill. It won't be for a while, possibly
not even for years, but I will. I'm going to wait
for you to forget about this warning. I'm going
to let you think the threat is gone. Then, some
day, you'll go to visit your dear old mother to
find that someone has set fire to her and pushed
her down the stairs. Police will be baffled,
because the perpetrator left no evidence of his
presence, except that one of your mother's photo
albums has been stolen. Then I'll let you forget
about me again. Wait a few more years. Get over
the mourning. Until one day, you wake up to find
your most embarrassing baby picture, together
with your name and address, has been blown up 500
times and pasted over Big Ben.
I didn't even know MS Paint had a
'Vomit' tool.
5 Unkicked Arses
Remember me, Dave Hill. Remember your
- Yahtzee
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Kickarse Light Sabre Showcase Week, Day 1
my surprise when I got up this morning to find
that some people had actually responded to my
petty goading yesterday, wherein I hinted that,
unless you design a light sabre, the 18th century
will come and repossess your genitalia. Time was
I practically had to pay people to respond to
some request I made on the site. I guess I just
pushed the right buttons this time.
since they're here, I'll be posting the first
four entries I received, and rate them based on
Functionality and Aesthetics to produce an
overall grade out of 10 kicked arses. We'll start
with the entry from Ben 'spacemonkey' Hall, who may ring a bell
with long-term readers:
USB port? USB PORT?! What is this, the
fucking Earls Court computer trade show?
Spacemonkey's such a god damn nerd. And as for
the button that does nothing and that
tinny-sounding speaker, this is supposed to be a
FANTASY. Why not kickarse Blaupunkt stereos
shrunken down to 1/16th normal size with magic
space beams? I bet spacemonkey is the kind of
person who thinks about Anne Robinson while
okay, that was uncalled for. I suppose he did
make an effort to include lots of decadent
gadgets. And the finger guards and extra length
probably make it far less unwieldy than mine. I
do however question the point of including a
cigarette lighter, when lighting your fag on the
laser blade would be infinitely easier and more
badass. Digital camera's a nice idea, though. Now
you can take pictures of yourself as you try to
light a cigarette with your light sabre and
accidentally laser your eyes out.
It looks like a damn handlebar, for
god's sake. Spacemonkey has clearly decided to
sacrifice style in favour of function. Look, it's
not even symmetrical. You know how some people
are said to have been beaten with the ugly stick?
This IS the ugly stick. I originally gave him 5
for effort, but knocked off two in protest of
that self-portrait he included.
5 Kicked Arses
For future reference, drawing a picture
of your light sabre in action could help your
entry as long as the person wielding it isn't
Kevin Smith.
next entrant comes from Tyson McCamley:
I... I really don't know. All I
can say is that Tyson had better have
been whiffin' something pretty fucking
exotic to excuse this mess. An ordinary
light sabre lodged through the torso of a
cartoon terrorist... I'm not even going
to begin talking about what a bitch that
will be to wield in pitched battle. I see
no reason to give any score higher than
ze - oh wait, I didn't notice the
parasol. That changes things. Two points.
Aesthetics: 0/10
Maybe it's just Tyson's drawing
style, but I think a monkey with a brush
taped to its arse could have made a
better light sabre picture than this. The
parasol looks like the kind of toadstool
Mario would throw up after too much
spinach tagliatelli.
Overall: 1 Kicked Arse
At last, a light sabre that keeps the
rain off while your adversary systematically lops
off all your arms and legs. Next.
Toby Liggins submitted this:

Finally. See what you get when you put a
little bit of effort into things, class? Swiss
army light sabre. Nice. Just a couple of minor
quibbles, of course. One, there isn't one thing a
Swiss army knife could cut better than a fucking
laser blade. Two, the knives are all around the
hilt, so if you press the wrong button in the
middle of a pitched battle then you've lost a
finger. Three, magnifying glass. Forgive me if I
sound like a stuck record, but a light sabre
really isn't something I want to put near my
apart from those minor niggles, a jolly good try.
If there's a corkscrew in that thing, this light
sabre will make you the hero of the annual Jedi
I like it, I just do. While my design is
undeniably kickass, I do readily admit that I
went a bit overboard with the decoration, so
Toby's more streamlined style is infinitely more
tasteful. I just want to take that big ol' light
sabre and eat ice cream from it.
7 Kicked Arses
Seven people are walking funny because
of Toby Liggins. Well done.
and by all means least, we have this from 'kjgfds esdf':

Do you ever get the feeling that someone
just isn't trying? I do. If I were kjgfds's
teacher, and if this were an assignment he'd
handed in, I'd write "MUST TRY HARDER"
all over it in red permanent marker. Then I'd put
the word 'IDIOT' in his permanent record. And
don't think it would just be a little piece of
paper, either. It'd be a big 8x10 glossy with the
word IDIOT picked out in pasta shells, and I'd
sprinkle glitter all around it, and flag it with
a post-it saying "FOR ATTENTION OF
EVERYBODY". Then I would arrange for him to
be buried alive. In poo.
Oh for fuck's sake. It looks like a
great big dick. Not even a very well-drawn dick.
It looks like a dick after a horrifically botched
circumcision, or about ten minutes into a sex
change operation.
1 Unkicked Arse
I couldn't rate this without going into
minus figures. So here you go. One arse that will
never come anywhere near a boot in its life. An
arse that will die a virgin, forever innocently
wondering what it would have been like to have
been kicked in the rosy cheeks while they were in
their prime.
Okay. These guys all now legally own their
testicles, although some of them should probably
put them up for adoption before the social
services find out. Clearly some extra motivation
is required. Okay, how about this. I'll take in
your designs until Friday, showcasing entrants in
this vein on each day until then. At the end of
the week, the best lightsabre will be drawn
decapitating the celebrity of the designer's
choice. Give the name of your chosen celebrity
when you send an entry, and only one entry per
person, with the exception of Tyson and kjgfds
above, who I'm giving a chance to redeem
Send 'em on in!
go back to last week and find out what all
this crap is about.
- Yahtzee
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