to the Internet home of that loveable polygonal
pioneer, Angular Mike. Here you will find the
chronicles of his amazing adventures through the
world of absurdity and MS Paint.

1. Surreal = Funny!
2. Entirely By Accident
3. Happiness Is A Warm Extra
Value Meal
4. The Reunion
5. Angular Neil
6. Domestic Conflict
7. The Ever-Helpful Third
8. You Say You Want A
9. Mike of Arc
10. The Darkness of
11. Security Threat
12. Lead By Example
13. Why Indeed
14. The Haunting
15. Suspicious Jesus
16. Doing The Rounds
17. Spectral Revelations
18. The Fab-tastic Four!
19. An Argument
20. Versus
21. Thou Shalt Not
22. The Marvel Of Faith
23. *Cough*
24. How Politics Works
25. Haunting Drama
- The Raw Octopus Saga
26. Raw Octopus: Prologue
27. Raw Octopus: The Hard
28. Raw Octopus: Tricky
29. Raw Octopus: The Soft
30. Raw Octopus: The Softer
31. Raw Octopus: Finale
32. Rim Job
33. Unseen Peril
34. Well, That Didn't Work
35. Admit It, You Laughed
36. Rapid Response
37. Karaoke Night
38. Science Triumphs Again
39. Desperate Measures
40. Bartering
41. A Satisfactory Conclusion
42. Outfalked
43. Told You
44. The Awakening
45. The Importance Of News
46. He Knows
47. Untitled
48. Culture Shock
49. Friendly Advice
50. Love is Blind
51. How To Offend Christians,
Vol. 1
52. Alternatives
53. How To Irritate Single
People, Vol. 1
54. Do Not Read This Comic
55. Drawer-On-Drawer Action
56. Love Hurts
57. Raisin Arizona
58. Private Joke
59. An All-Purpose Phrase
60. Experimental Cooking
61. Another Victory
62. And Now Our Feature
63. The Mean Streets
64. Primary Inquiries
65. After A Long Day
- Guest Strip Week!
Guest Strip 1 by Scruffie
Guest Strip 2 by Dr Looney
Guest Strip 3 and
Guest Strip 4 by Stalky Degree
Guest Strip 5 by Mad Monk
Guest Strip 6 by Larrakin
- More Guest Strips! Hoorah!
Guest Strip 7 by Scruffie
Guest Strip 8 by Larrakin
Guest Strip 9 by 'Lattice of Lettuce'
Guest Strip 10 by BovineBeast
- Stop With The Bloody Guest Strips!
Guest Strip 11 by Scruffie
Guest Strip 12 by Alex Whitington
Guest Strip 13 by Mad Monk
Guest Strip 14
Guest Strip 15
Guest Strip 16 (steady on)
Guest Strip 17 by Bigfoot256
66. On Reflection
67. Friendly Warning
68. A Turning Point
69. Science Is Your Friend
70. The Confrontation
71. R&R
72. A Dish Best Served Cold
73. The Crucial Clue
74. To Be Continued!
75. Revelations
76. Stallin'
77. Deus Ex Machina
78. A Happy Ending
79. Close Call
80. Losing It
81. The Last Thing She Needs
MIKE The man himself. Composed
entirely of straight lines and apparently
capable only of moving his eyes, Mike has
triumphed through much adversity in his
short life. Little is known about this
enigmatic figure, except that he works in
his local McDonalds and has a brother in
North Korea. His mental state is
uncertain. Is he really a geometric
figure in a two-dimensional universe, or
an extension of some lunatic personality?
Little can be divulged from his comic
strips, as they make no sense whatsoever.
CHESTER Angular Mike's
cohabitee, his relationship with this
sentient piece of furniture is unclear.
Are they merely friends, or something
more? Certainly voices were raised when
Mike started storing his underpants in
one of Chester's rivals. Perhaps Chester
is just an ordinary chest of drawers,
given a Tyler Durden-like role in Mike's
twisted fantasy world. If that is the
case then Mike must be an extremely good
liar, as he was somehow able to get
Chester a job at McDonald's, too.
BEATLES John and George brought
back to life by unclear methods, the
Beatles are incidental characters in
Mike's world. But again, are they the
actual Fab Four, or conjurations of
Mike's insanity given the faces of
well-known figures? The fact that Paul
McCartney, a notorious vegetarian, orders
a Big Mac in the third strip, may answer
this question to a certain degree, but
who can tell. John and Paul seem to be
rebuilding the relationship that went off
the rails all those years ago, George is
some kind of 'father figure' to the
others, and Ringo ... well ... he's just
Ringo. He plays drums.
GHOST So, what happened
to those four ghosts who victimised
Pac-man all those years ago? Well,
apparently, one of them is in the
sideline of being a 'ghost of Christmas
past', assigned to haunt Mike. We can't
tell which one he is, though, until the
comic gets some colouring. We do know
that he enjoys television, and always
carries a packed lunch.
JESUS God's emissary upon Earth.
Or is he? He has an evangelical streak
and certainly has the pesky habit of
curing blindness of those around him, but
he refuses to admit his parentage and
wears a hat and trenchcoat to disguise
himself. So, faith healer with a taste
for facial hair, or the real Son of God
who, having arrived in a diseased and
disillusioned world, decides not to
complicate matters by making his presence
felt? We may never know the truth.
if you want to put a hentai girl in your
comic strip but you can't draw anime to
save your life? That's the conundrum that
led to the introduction of the Invisible
Hentai Girl. In many ways, her life is
tragically ironic. Highly oversexed,
she's only truly in her element with no
clothes on. But when she's got no clothes
on, no-one can see the poor bint! This
didn't stop Suspicious Jesus getting his
filthy hands on her, however, and now she
pertains to be going out with him to
catch the attention of our hexidecimal
hero. If hexidecimal is the word I'm
looking for.
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