A Psychological Adventure by Ben
'Yahtzee' Croshaw
A man lies
in a darkened cell, consumed by pain and
sickness. He does not know where he is. He does
not know how he came to be there. He does not
even know his own name. All he knows is that he
is being tortured by a bizarre, bespectacled man,
who addresses him only as a number -
Every day,
Twelve-Thirteen is taken out of his cell and
goaded into running a dangerous hazard course,
apparently for the sole amusement of the
bespectacled man. Today seems to be no different.
But while Twelve-Thirteen sits brooding in his
darkened prison, the door suddenly falls open
with no apparent cause. To discover the answers
to all of his questions, Twelve-Thirteen must
adventure into the unknown world beyond the
Sure, you
could play the normal boring version of 1213
that's available for free download... but if
you donate just 5 dollars American, you
can download the Special Edition! Just the same
as the old version, but with the following
glorious features:
- All three
episodes in a convenient package
- 1213:
Immunity - an all-new playable scenario
exclusive to this edition
- Running author
commentary throughout all three original episodes
- Reference texts and
a sprite sheet offering a behind-the-scenes
glimpse of the development process
Beat the
rush! Get the 1213 Special Edition today! Click
here to go to the donate page, and remember to
specify that you want the 1213 Special Edition
with your donation. By the simple action of
clicking on these words!
1213 escapes
from the cell, and soon learns that he may have
been better off where he was.
Click here to download
episode 1
Praise be to roushimsx on the
Awful Forums for the hosting
Mirror -
thanks Berian Williams
With more
questions raised than answered, 1213 explores
further areas of his prison and begins to learn
the truth about his genesis.
Click here to download
episode 2
Praise be to roushimsx on the
Awful Forums for the hosting once again
from Dr Lecter
Mirror -
thanks Berian Williams

Hounded from
all sides by hostile strangers and his own
debilitating illness, 1213 strives on for a final
confrontation with his mysterious captor, and a
truth he may not be ready for.
Click here to download
episode 3
Praise be to roushimsx on the
Awful Forums for the hosting one last time
also from roushimsx
Mirror -
thanks Berian Williams

Left cursor:
Walk/turn left/run (while holding shift)
Right cursor: Walk/turn right/run (while holding
Down cursor: Crouch / pick up / dangle from ledge
/ drop from ledge
Up cursor: Interact / jump up / climb up / enter
Space: Leap forwards / running jump
Tab: Fire weapon
Q - Standing: Use current inventory item
Q - Crouching: Drop current inventory item
Escape: Main menu / skip cutscene
You can also skip individual lines of dialogue
with the ENTER key or by clicking the mouse,
except in the intro.
Pretty much
everything by Ben 'Yahtzee' Croshaw
Sound taken
from various public domain sources
Music taken from RPG Maker 2003
The very
talented Riccardo Amabili sent me this awesome
bit of fanart, click the thumbnail for the big

another piece by Bryan Zuber, 1213 in an old
comic book style (click for big):

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